Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2126

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2074 INDEX. House of Representatives—Continued. Pagtf- L House of Representatives, Hawaii, { Pagedeficiency appropriation for paying cer- number and terms of members .. 147 tain specified employees 313,314,1050 House of the Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, . for conductors of elevators ... _. 313Baltimore, for compensation of Members and Dele-· , deficiency appropriation for .. 290, 1021 gates .. 310, 1049 . Houses of Refuge, for miscellaneous expenses, special and , appropriation for salary of keepers .. .. 597, 1141 » select committees 25,57, 310, 727, 1049 j Howard, Lieut. Edward B., for stationery for members 311 § granted honorable discharge __,,,_______ 1680 for Ovid Bell .,... . ... 311 Howard, Jfrg. Guy, for James Gill ... . ... U 311 g credit in accounts authorized ..., 1609 for Alexander McDowell, for work on Howard, Silas, contested elections ._.. 311 i pension increased ,,,,______,___________ 1738 for contested-election expenses . 311,1049 Howard Unirersity, for Brigham H. Roberts, salary, etc 312 { appropriation for maintenance, etc 620, 1164 for H. F. Dodge .. 312 · Howard University Reservoir, D. C., for D. S. Porter ... 312 1 appropriation for completing 832 for reimbursing official reporters 312,1049 , Howell, Catherine T. (widow), for Kendal Lee and Charles Carter . 312 ; pension ,,.,__,_,_,,,__,_,______________ 1743 for Herman Gauss 312 Howe, Zodock S., for Charles McCartee .. 312 } pension increased ... 1785 for Marcellus C. Butler 312 Howlett, Michael, for Ralph M. Dale .. . . 312 ( pension increased ,. - 1692 for Charles N. Thomas 312 * Horie, Maj. R. L., for Howard D. Pritchard .. 312 l credit in certain accounts authorized . 284 for Joseph H. Johnson. . .- . 312 l Hoyt, Hiram L, for George F. Evers and James F. English 313 pension increased . . 1719 for J. J. Constantine .. 313 Hoyt, Isaac B., for extra pay to employees . 310, 1048 r pension increased .. 1620 for repairs, dynamo room . 298 i Hoyt, Samuel N, for preparing digest of rules .. ·. 25 pension increased .. . 1712 for urniture an repairs .. 25 Hualpais Indians, Ariz., Delegate in, from Hawaii ... 158 appropriation. for support, etc., of . 234, 1072 employees to receive December, 1899, sala- Huddersfield, · ries on December 19 .. 709 appropriation for consul 66, 88E to receive June salaries the day follow- or clerk hire Q. . . 69,893 ing adjournment .. . 722 Hudson River, M K, to receive December, 1900, salaries appropriation for lighting 596, 1139 December 20. . 1459or improvement of 627, 1171 committees to receive compiled statutes, time extended for brid ingat New York,. 762 D. C . . ... 710 Huff, Hannah G. (motheg, copies of eulogies on Garret A. Hobart to pension 1587 be printed for 712 Hug'} Thomas G., printing of “Primer of Forrestry" for use pension increased ... 1656 of, authorihed 714 Hughes, Harriet L. (widow), additional copies of report of governor of pension increased ... 1569 Arizona .. 714 Hull, of examination of reservoir sites in appropriation for consul 68, 891 Wyoming and Colorado ... 715 Hull, Daniel, alias H S. Reed, - of report of “Fish Hawk" expedition pension increased ... 1704 to Porto Rico . . ... 717 correction of pension bill of ... , . 2000 of report of American Historical Asso- Hull, Helen M. (widow), · ciation ... 717 pension 1498 participation in celebration of centennialHull, Virginia (daughter), anniversary in Districtof Columbia. 725 pension 1628 provision for apportionment of Represen- Hulse, Edgar J, tatives ... 733 deficiency appropriation for repairs .. 307 Representatives from new States ... 734 Hunter, David, elections where increase of Represents- pension increased ... 1511 tives under apportionment 734 Hunter, Elvira, return to, requested of pension bill of John pension 1583 M, Smith .,,. 1993 Hunter, Jane (daughter), of House bill No. 9083 1994 pension . ... -- . .' 1800 • printing ordered of Digest of Decisions, Hunter, Mary P. (widow), etc., of . 1996 pension 1592 return to, requested of bill as to Albuquer- Huntington, W. Wi., · que grant 1999 terms of court at .. ; . 738, of pension bill of O. H. Cram . 1999 Hurd, Amanda (daughter), of biil for resurvey of township, etc., pension 1627 Frontier County, Nebr 1998 Hurlburt, Edwin, conference committee, etc., may make pension . L .. 1598 rcertain recommendationsas to House Hurley, Dennis M., late a Representative in Conemplo ees .. · z 2005 gress, _ printinv authorized of “Digest contested deficiency appropriation for legal heirs, for (Election cases " ... 2005 clerk hire 311