Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2141

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mnnx. 208,9 Logan, James B., P¤s¢· Louisville, Ky., P¤&¢· L pen iornlincgeased ... 1579 L terms ojucourt at .. ’ .. - 783 o an 0 n_ . · ourengo arquez, . . L dleficiiency appropriation for . 313 Lgvpprogxnésliggn fc; consul ..., 67, 890 ogs e an i ur ., regulatgpns governing floating on naviga- 2 L0pen%pi1 increased .. . . 1523 e waters etc 17 ve erton, London., _, " ’ deliciency appfopriation for . s 1057 appropriatipn for dgspatch agent gg, 83% Loving, Joseph ., d_ or consu enera 8 pension increase ...1733 for clerk hire 69; 892 Lowell, Sarah M (widow), ,- London (Qaruzda), pension , 1759, appropriation for consul 67, 890 Lowelltown, Me., ~ L0<%iciei§yappropriation fordispatchagent. 1011 Logadeig a rzuliport of gn%y . 1439 cm y._ er ru; e _ gency . ak. . terms of cdurt at 783 apprgpriation for ,Indian agent at . 222, 1059 Lonergan, John, Lower rule Indian Reservation, pension increased ... 1625 deficiency appropriation for surveys, etc. 1041 Long Beach, Conn., certain lands in, open to settlement .. 790 approplriiatppon for light station, Norwalk Lowry, William Tl, ’ ar r .. 1137 pension increased- . -, ... 1609 Long Bridge, D. (1, Lucas, Jane (mother), - Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company_ 7 L pensipznl; ,, ..,,..,..,,,_, 1596 to remove 72 ucas 0 ert ‘ e 8 new bridge to be substituted .. 772 certain letters of, donated to State of Iowa. 1462 new bridge for highway travel to be built. 773 Lumber River, - Mount Vemon Railway may cross, etc . . . 773 construction of bridge authorized across, approval of plans, etc ... 773 Robson County, N. C . 29 Lemgfellowa , 1665Du abrgiog, Ilpuéberton, N. C 811 pension ncr ... m . . Long Bland, s bridge abthorided across Lumber River . . 811 appropriaticgzefiorflife-gavgng sta§ons.§.. 16, 1140 Lunacy, D. (1, f . time exten or ri ng ast iver appropriation or ex nses writs ... 572 839 between, and New%'ork .. 42 detlciency approprialnlibn for .. 289, l021 Long Island Head, Mass., Izunacy Proceedings, D. C, . -» appropriation for light station ... 593 jusy to hear, etc 1217 Longmire, Joseph, Dun berg, Peter, L0pzens1§pn_ incpzeased ... 1587 ( pen Eph . . . ... 1733 g airie wer = ~ Dates elson . — L preliminary exainination of, to be made. . 584 l pexision increased ... 1476, ._ Loomis, Elliott, ‘ l Luttrell, Armilda JT (widow), . _ . ’ pension increased ... 1730 1 pension 1799 Lorain Harbor, Ohio, . Dgbarger, Samuel, authority granted to contract for complet- pension increased ... 1491 ing improvements, etc 586 Lynch, Elias M, Lord, Eliza N. (mother), 1717 Lypzen n .,... '. . 1770 pension n ar ass. . Los Angeles, Cal., preliminarzexaniination of, to be made. . 581 approplriation for public building ; 286, 1134 Irgnn, Isaac ., Loss by agchange, pension increased ... 1561 appropriation for . ._. . I . I 62, 71,_885, 895 Lyon, B., _ _ g dencienc a propriation for diplomatic - deficiency appropriation for . ., 1 .. 1051 . y , ·. . · sexlizicep 280 319 L on Oliver J for con ular and diplomatic service. . . IZ 1011, pension increased ,.. 1515 1055,1057Lyons, ,_ Lathrop, Marcellus A., appropriation for consul 66, 889 L pension increased . , - 1746 Ly fortplerk Eire . ; .. 69, 892 otteribs ons ames ., in Hawaii forbidden 150 pension increased. . , 1505 Louisiana, _ Lyster,_Martha G. D. (widow), \_ appropriation for surveyor·general, clerks, pension increased ... _ 1667 etc 126, 1001 . for miscellaneous expenses . 126,1001 _ M. · bridge authorized across Bayou Bartholo- 67 McBride, Pleasant g, mew . 1 pension increase ... 1546 germs of cc}pLrt in weptern judicial district. 179 JII<éC’¢grtee, Charles, t f 3 " ouiswm, rc ase .. e ciency appropria ion or . 12 printing of work oii, ordered 1991 McCarthy, Mary (mother), , Louis··ian%JOPur¢i§ Eapopition (see also St. Mp(ey:s}0n .E;i . . .. 1527 uis `tion c u ey war , . appointment of lzzcdsdimission authorized . . . 1441 credit tb be given in accounts 302 appropriation for expenses . · .. 664 M'cC'leery, Ellen I/C (widow.), Lewisville and Nashville Railroad Compang, L pen ion . . - . 1596 may bridge Choctawhatchee River, en— * McClellan, Elizabeth B. (widow), eva, Ala .. 802 pension .. 1 . 1686