Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2165

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INDEX. 21 13 Pens*i0ns~—Continued. page Pensions—Continued. page increased— increased- , Baker, Washington ... 1563 Bryson, Lucy B .. . . . . 1677 Ball, Eliza Adelaide ... 1592 Buck, Albert . 1731 Ball, William H .. 1782 Buckner, Allen ... 1511 Barber, Oran E ... 1568 Buehler, Caroline . 1697 Barnes, Samantha 1581 Bufium, Francis H 1716 Barrett, James M . 1602 Buntin, Susan 1623 Barton, Elisha F .. 1590 Bunty, Charles C . 1708 Barton, James 1748 Burdoin, Franklin M . 1526 Basoombe, Hubert 1785 Burk , Chamness S .. - 1722 Baugher, Alexander P 1543 Burleigh, Clare H 1545 Baughman, Samuel ... 1801 Burns, John .. 1757 Bauslau%n, William H. H . 1798 Burrage, George F 1766 Baxter, lijah 1797 Byrne, James 1581 Baylor, Louisa E . 1560 Cabbell, Ermine D ... 1640 Beach, Geor e P .. 1714 Cardwell, Kate 1589 Bedell, Martia M 1710 Cam bell, George W., alias George W. Beistle, James 1678 Sinith ... 1557 Bollinger, James H ... 1773 Campbell, James M .. 1743 Bell, Samuel F . .. 1754 Campbell, Sarah E ... 1472 Bennett, Albert M 1676 Canada , John W 1763 Bennett, Ezra A .. 1527 Canfield; Harrison 1525 Berdan, Orange F . 1524 Cannon, William J., alias James Can- Best, Frances D .. 1521 non . 1710 Bevans, Coryden . 1577 Capehart, William H . 1597 Biddle, Elijah 1597 Capron, Agnes K . 1535 Bieger, Adam 1690 Capron, L1 lian .. . 1535 Bigelow, Alfred . . -. .. 1494 Carbee, John F .. 1806 Bigelow, Henry G 1684 Carlton, James C . 1532 Black, Cornelia De Peyster 1510 Carlton, Thomas J 1544 Black, Lewis . 1794 Carmody, J amos W ... 1490 Black, Robert - ... 1510 Carndufi, Frank F 1722 Blackson, Henry H ... 1480 Carr, Pinnie L - .. 1673 Blair, Frank .. 1696 Carr, Robert J . .. . 1614 Blaisdell, Marie J . 1565 Cause , Elizabeth 1799- Blake, John W ... 1559 Chandler, Levi ... 1579 Blanchard, John .. 1601 Chapman, James . 1536 Bliss, John H 1757 Chauncey, Cecelia B .. 1567 Bloom, Amold ... 1543 Chenoweth, Cora Van D .. 1714 Bodurtha, George W .. 1772 Chetlain, Augustus L . 1756 Boltin, Alexander 1686 Childress, Hiram C ... 1614 Boston, Robert ... 1502 Childs, Frances E 1664 Bottles, Melvina .. 1481 Childs, James U . . 1644 Bottoms James ... 1502 Chittenden, Eli F . 1674 Bourne, Benjamin 1512 Cissna, Isaac N ... 1658 Bouslough, William H. H .. 1798 Claiborne, Thomas ... 1669 Boyakin, William F . - . 1548 Clancy, Amanda W ... 1724 Boyle, Edward .. - 1486 Clark, Mary W . - . 1619 Braokett, Horace N - .. 1537 Clark, Uriah . 1767 Bradford, Caroline B .. 1533 Claussen, Charles . 1646 Bradley, John C .. 1545 Cleaveland, Burdette N ... 1725 Breed, John N 1545 Cloud, William F . ..,. 1715 Brennan, Patrick ... . r 1742 Cluke, Ann E ..,. 1659 Bridges, Sarah F .. 1777 Clune, Margaret R 1575 Bri eman, Nicholas . - 1647 Coggeshall, John S ... 1623 BAE? Cornwell M . 1638 Coglswell, Stacy H 1773 Brisbois, John W . 1486 Co ler John D .. 1744 Brookett, Michael S ... 1729 Colbath, Clara E . ... .. 1643 Brookins, William H .. 1568 Colby, Gilbert F r .,., .1666 Brooks, Elizabeth .. . . 1664 Cole, Charles R . . Z - - . 1782 Brooks, Henry C . 1701 Cole, George 0 ... 1645 Brown, Albert 1595 Coleman, Margarett L 1551 Brown, Catherine A .. 1550 Colhoun, Mar A . 1771 Brown, Ellen Miles ... 1615 Collier, Annahi .. 1563 Brown, George M . 1500 Colson, Nathaniel L .. 1549 Brown, Gorton ... 1699 Comegys, John T .. - . --l- . 1776 Brown, Henry H . 1748 Comery, Isaac W , 1529 Brown, Henry H .. .. . . 1477 Connelly, Patrick ...,.,,.,,__, 174] Browning, Alexander W .. 1764 Conrad, Ella Cotton .. 1574 Brown, James .. . . 1707 Cook, Thomas H . 1501 Brown, Mary A .. 1737 Coombs, John ,__.,,,,____ 1663 Brown, Oliver M . 1602 Coons, Joseph B .. 1579 Brunette, Peter ... 1759 Cooper, James 1596 Brush, Albert W . 1622 Cooper, Luke H .. 1518 von xxx1————133