Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2168

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2116 INDEX. I Bansi0»ns—C0ntinued. Page, .Pen.s·i0ns——Continued. Page, increased- increased- Kurtz, Benjamin F ... 1525 Metcalf, Daniel ... 1603 Kurtz, Byron 1639 Metcalf, Robert H , ,. ..,,,,__,, 1745 La Count, William H . 1498 Meylert, Harriet E ...,_______ 1588 Laighton, Genevieve .. 1601 Miley, Sarah H. M .,.,..,,,_, , ____ 1604 Lake, Eliza A 1548 Millard, Jesse ...,.,,_ 1786 LaMott, Phebe A .. . . 1693 Miller, Casper, jr _,,_,,,______,__ _ ____ 1512 Landegan, John .. 1505 Miller, Leonhart ,,..___,,____ 1698 Lathrop, Frederick O .,... 1678 Miller, Martin D .,..,,_,,,.___________ 1571 Lauriat, Mary Ellen .. 1470 Miller, Oliver W _,,,.,___,_,__________ 1708 Laverty, Lealdes F ... 1757 Miller, William I ,,_,,, ,_, 1711 Lavine, Adolphus 1540 Mills, Thomas C ,.,,..,.,. 1620 Law, Mary E. . ._ .. 1517 Miner, Smith .._._,_,,___,_,____, 1685 Leahy, Eugene ... 1803 Minnich, Samuel ,__,,,_______________ 1744 Leavey, Bertha ... 1764 Mitchell, John .,.,.,,,,.,.,,_,_____,_ 1526 LeddIy‘,lEllen . 1559 Mitchell, Richard P ., 1728 Lee, ura P . 1676 Monson, Luke H ...,.,,...,,, 1591 Leiper, Henrietta M . . . . .. 1774 Mooar, J acobW ,,,.,..,., 1574 Lewis, Henry H .. 1583 Moore, Jeremiah B ,.._,,__,__,___ 1539 Lewis, Timothy A. .. J . 1603 Moore, Russell L . 1606 Libby, George A . 1681 Morey, David H ,...,. 1658 Lion, Sarah Somerville . Q .. 1625 Morrison, John H ,,__________________ 1635 Little, Charles W . 1797 Morris, Reamus G ,.,,._,_,_., 1754 Lochard, Michael ... .- 1588 Morse, John M ...,,.. 1475 Locke, Isaac M ... 1519 Moser, Levi .. . ...,... 1532 Lockwood, Jeremiah . 1568 Mowry, George .,..,...,.,..,,_,,,,,_ 1724 Logan, James B .. 1579 Muck, Edyth M .. 1663 Lonergan, John .. 1625 Muhs, Henry .._,,,.__.,,____,__,___, 1708 Longfellow, Stephen .. 1665 Mullevy, William ...,,... 1588 Longmire, Joseph 1587 Munn, James M .. 1766 Loomis, Elliott 1 .. 1730 Murphey, Elizabeth W .,,,.__,_,_,,,, 1532 Lothrop, Marcellus A . 1746 Murphy, Samuel Z 1768 Loveland, Wilbur F -.. ... 1523 Murphy, William 1560 Loving, Joseph N . 1733 Murray, Evelyn Neale 1643 Lowry, William T . -. . 1609 Myer, Ellen V ... 1520 Lutes, Nelson B .. 1476 Myers, George ... 1525 Lybarger, Samuel . 1491 Myers, Isabela ... 1700 Lynch, EliasM ... 1770 Needham, Samuel A ...,.. 1805 Lynn, Isaac H - ... 1561 Neff, Henry H ... 1552 Lyon, Oliver J. ,. ...,,..,,. 1515 Nelson, John F ,.,.,,,,__, 1481 Lyons, James J ... 1505 Nelson, Mary J ... 1739 Lyster, Martha G. D .. 1667 Nessell, Louis 1728 McBride, Pleasant H . 1546 Nevitt, William H. H . 1471 McCo1lister, Madison . 1678 Nicklin, John ... - 1645 McCord, John M . 1487 Noll, Christina ... 1587 McCormick, John J .. 1480 Northrop, Major A ... 1641 McCoy, Melancthon ..,... 1650 O’Connor, Henry . 1604 MeCune, Joseph . 1482 O’Connor, Martin . ; .. 1615 McDonald, Matthew .. 1678 O’C0nor, John ... 1522 McDowell, Frederick G ... 1735 Ofiiey, Josephine I ... 1510 McDuffey, Edward ... 1679 O’Linn, Fannie M ..., 1646 McGlense , Mary J. D 1734 Oliver, Lewis 1618 McLain, William G ... 1482 Oliver, William .. 1660 McL an, William H 1623 Osborn, James ... 1657 Mclvilghlon, Jane .. 1492 Overhultz, Eli 1486 McMahon, John F ... 1471 Overton, George P 1736 MeMains, James J 1488 Owens, William S _. ... 1559 McMaster, William R . 1660 Packard, Burton .. 1531 MeMi1]en, Henry . 1494 Padgett, William . 1517 Mabry, Lucie M .. . ... 1776 Parker, George A . 1715 Macdonald, William H. H 1571 Parker, John S ... 1491 Mack, Georgina M ... 1784Parmalee, Edward A ., . 1640 Madden, Edward ,_,, , ,... 1588 Parrott, Levi S 1621 Mgddoeks, Martha ,.,,... 1555 Parsons, Margaret L. B 1807 Mallard, Vianna _,_,,_..,. 1722 Patterson, Isaac — ... 1528 Mangur, Ellen M ,_,__,,__, .-- 1595 Paul, James .. 1743 Mareh, Eli J . 1515 Paulding, Rebecca 1583 Marsh, Charles A . 1777 Payne, Lavinia M . -- - - 1520 Marsh, Fielding __,_,,,,...,.,. -.- 1765 Peixotto, Ida J -- . 1618 Mason, James _____,_,_,,,,,,,,.. . 1755 Pennington, George H 1480 Mauek, Helen .,... . .. 1624 Pepper, John P ... 1620 Mead, Jonathan ,_ Z. . . 1618 Perkins, Charles .. 1477 Memilis, Cendy ____,_,,___.,. 1759 Perkins, Charles A 1655 Merritt, Mary A .. 1715 Perkins, Zadok C -------·------------- 1478