Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2173

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mosx. 212 1 Police, D. C.——Continued. Page- 1 Porto Rico—·Continued. i Pageappropriation for fuel ...,.,. 1020 l appropriation for light-house establishcomposition, appointments, removal, etc - 819 ment .. . 596, 1140 bond of officers . 820 for salary of resident commissioner. - - 607, 988 detail for detective work 820 for quarantine station .. 611, 1156 fines for policemen’s fund ... 820 for buildings, marine barracks .. 705, 1131 retirements, pensions, etc ... 820 for agricultural station 935 r penalty for illegal practicing as private for United States court 1182 detective . 820 deficiency appropriation for quarantine powers of special policemen . 820 station 283, 1015 deficiency appropriation for . 289 for postal service . 1042 Pollock, Mary (nurse), customs revenue to be used for existing pension 1502 government, etc .. 51 Pollock Rip Shoals, Mass., provisions for civil government .. 77 appropriation for towing machine for duties on foreign imports - . 77 light-ship 593 on merchandise to and from United Pomology, of Department of Agricul- States 77 ture, to cease when system of taxation appropriation for pomologist, assistant, established, etc ... 78 clerks ...° 192 to constitute separate fund for benent for investigations, etc ... 196, 927 of ... 78 Ponca Induzns, ports of entry to be designated, etc. . . 78 appropriation for support, etc., of . 235, 1072 appointmentof agents to collect, etc. . - 78 Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland Agency, disposition of, a ter formation of civil Okla. , government .. 78 appropriation for Indian agent at . 222, 1059 on imports from, prior topassageof act- 78 Pond, Kate M. (widow), capital of . 79 pension increased ... 1680 what Spanish subjects deemed citizens- 79 Pontiows, Laura S. (widow), the be y politic .. 79 pension .. . . 1522 existing laws continued ... 79 Poole, J. Sprig , as to marriage of priests, etc., reallowed credit for cost of bond ... 289 peeled ... 79 Pom-, D. O., as to adultery, etc .. 79 appropriation for relief of ... 844 nationalization of vessels-- .‘ ... 79 deficiency ajppropriation for relief 1021 establishment of quarantine stations, etc 80 Pope, Joseph ., redemption of coins; recoinage, etc . 80 pension increased ... 1531 legal tender .. 80 Portage Lake, Mwh., payment of debts in coins, etc . 80 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 628 expenses payable from revenues ... 80 Port au Prince, property in bridges, navigable streams, appropriation for clerk hire.---; 69,893 etc., placed under control of gov- Port Cresrznt, Wash., ernment . 80 appropriation for building for Weather Federal laws applicable to, except . 80 Bureau .. 924 modification or repeal of laws continued Port Day, Niagara River, in force . . 80 appropriation for apparatus .. 1141 judicial process ... 81 Porter, oath ,of office . 81 tax on, reduced . 938 governor of, appointment, term, etc 81 Porter, D. S., executive council, appointment, duties, deficiency appropriation for .. 312, 1050 etc .. . - - . 81 Porter, Francis M, secretary, duties, etc 81 pension increased ... 1655 attorney-general, duties . 82 Porter, Margaret A. (widow), t1‘e3§ul‘el‘, duties, bond .. 82 pension increased . - . 1490 auditor, dutie . 82 Port Hope, commissioner of the interior, duties, appropriation for consul 68, 891 etc ... . - . 82 Pomona, Me., commissioner of education, duties 82 appropriation for expenses of branch h y- duties of other members 82 drographic office ... 118, 993 legislative assembly ... 82 for improvement of harbor 1170 election districts .. 82 preliminary examination of harbor to be house of delegates, election of delegates made .. - .. 581 to_._- - -- --.. - -.------.---..--. 82 Portland, Nehalem and Tillamook Railway, 9uahi}08·i·}0¤ or VQl€¥`S ·-----—-—-----— may bridge Nehalem Bay and river, Oreg . 1456 9!`§8¤lZ?1€*11» §$l0¤$,`€tC -·--------- 83 P<>~-»<*· reg-· 2‘;t€i.‘1 ‘l2.‘$§;s£’.`§‘¥.;.2,1.;;liz,;.‘zz" $3 appropriation for expenses of branch hy- W (( pOWm_Si=0i; ‘ S* °· 83 (ll0gmphu“ Omce `'’’’'’`’’'` Hm M`; qualification of members ..--...-. - -- 83 PON L°*i'·$; _ __ ( origin of bills, passage, veto, etc -..--. - 83 appropriation for consul -.---.-----.-.-. 04, 890 CO¤%r€SS may &,,.,€,,d laws _____________ 83 Porto Rico, legis ative authority, scope, etc .----.-. 83 appropriation for relief of American sea- executivecouncil to grant franchises, etc 84 men -----.-..--. 70, 894 the judiciary .,,__,,__,__________,____ 84 for investigating resources --...---.-... 199 jurisdiction and procedure --.--.-..- , 84 for postal service in .-.--..-... 253 appointment of judges, etc -. 84