Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2186

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2134 rnmsx. ’ Rembaugh, Alonzo C., P8·8€- Revised Statutes——Oontinued. Page pension increased .. 1645 amended, section 541 .,,_.______,_______ 175 Renfro, Dora (widow), _ section 572 .,...,,_._.,,,,,_,_ 175 pension . . . . 1713 section 658 __________________ ; ________ 175 Rent, Light, and Fuel, Post-Offices, 'section 864 ,,,__,________________ __·___ 182 appropriations for first, second, and third section 953 ,,_____,__________________ _ 270 class . . .. 24, 256, 319 section 1111 ..,__,_____________ _ _ _ 912 premises may be leased, etc ... 256 section 1225 _________________________ _ 810 Repetti, Caroline Z. (widow), section 1319 ,_________________________ 911 pension increased ... 1662 section 1338 ,________________________ _ 914 Reporter, section 1342, article 60 ..._,_______ 951 deficiency appropriation for court, Hawaii- 303 section 1342, article 83 ; _______________ 951 Reporting Proceedings of Congress, section 3005 , ________________________ _ 131 appropriation for Senate 89,963 section 4290 _,_,,_______________ ; _____ 29 for House of Representatives .. 92, 967 section 4414 __,_______________________ 262 deficiency appropriation for reimbursing, section 4427 .,..,,,______________ _ 800 House of Representatives .. 312, 1049 section 4445 ..,,.,.,______________ 50 for reimbursing for extra work in Senate, section 4472 ._.,.,.,.,____,___________ 799 etc ... 309, 1048, 310 section 4708 . ._ ...,.,.,,,,,, 1 ______ 1445 Representatives (see House of Representatives; section 5138 .,.,._,,______ 48 Members of the House of Repre- section 5153 .,,__,____ 1448 sentatives.) section 5270 ,.,, , , 656 Reprieves, section 5546 ...,.. 1450 governor of Hawaii may grant ... 153 repealed, section 1278 . . ..,,.,_______ 912 governor of Alaska may grant ... 322 section 1342, article 94 ...,,.,,____ 951 Reservations (see Forest Reservations), repealed in part, section 4716 ,.,,,,., 136 proclamation setting apart for naval pur- Rewards, poses in Porto Rico ... 1947 deficiency appropriation for postal servin Hawaiian Islands .. 1959 ice .. 319, 1056, 1106 Reserve Fund, Reynolds, Elizabeth (widow), maintenance of, for redeeming Treasury pension increased ... 1805 notes, etc 46 Reynolds, Mary E. (widow), Reserve Guns, pension 1613 appropriation for auxiliary cruisers . . . 687, 1111 Reynolds, Orpha W (widow), Reservoir Sites, . pension increased ... 1556 printing of preliminary examination of, Rhea, W E, in Wyoming an Colorado author- 1 dedciency appropriation for contested—elec— ized . 715 tion expenses 312 Retired Judges, Rheinis, _ appropriation for 132, 1008 appropriation for consul ... 67, 890 Revenue- Cutter Service, Rhode Island, appropriation for assistant chief, clerks. appropriation for superintendent of lifeetc 100, 975 saving stations 596, 1140 for general expenses ... 597,1141 for improvements, etc., Naval Training · for seal nsheries expenses .. 597, 1142 Station .. 1121 for anchorage . 598,1142 Rice, Aniericus IC, for completing revenue cutters 1142 pension increased ... 1676 for cutter on St. Marys·River .. 1142 Rice, Elizabeth C (widow), {or cutter at Boston ... 1142 pension ..,. 1503 for launch for customs serviceatGlouces— Rice, Ifenry E, ter .. 1142 pension increased ... 1694 for contingent expenses, etc ... 598 Richards, Harriet S. (widow), for launch for Astoria, Oreg ... 598 pension 1772 for commutation of quarters to officers Richardson, Adolphus, . detailed to Life-Saving Service- . 597, 1141 pension increased .. 1 783 appropriation for repairing steamer "The- Richardson, Dr. A. B., tis" ,,,,.,,,. 51 deficiency appropriation for credit in acreappropriation of unexpended balance - - 9 counts, etc ... 1036 deficiency appropriation for expenses, etc. 285, Richardson, James, 316, 320 pension .. . . 1564 Frank H. Newcomb etal. presented medal Richardson, J. D., for heroism .. 716 authorized to compile Confederate States’ Daniel B. Hodgsdon retired for gallant papers, etc ... 134 service ... 716 Richardson, Jului D. (widow), purchase of cutter for port of Boston au- pension - ... 1529 thorized  ; 758 Richards, William. A., printing of documents, cruise of the deficiency appropriation for reimbursingu 299 "Bear," etc., directed 2003 Richardville, 7Z E, — "Review of the W0rld’s Cbmmerce/’ payment to .. ; . 240 printing ordered 2004 Richmond, Ky., Revised ,Statutes, '_ terms of court at 783 appropriation for preparing supplement- . 1162 Ricketts, Abner CC, iiir revision and codiiication of perma— pension 1709 nent laws authorized . 1181 Q Ricketts, Joshua, amended, section 183 ... 951 H pension increased .. . 1521