Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/261

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 586. 1900. 209 RETIRED ENLISTED MEN. E"““‘°d m°“· For ay _'of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, six _ hundred) thousand dollars: Prov_ided, That hereafter, in computing §{g§§§°;0rsm,,c€,u length of service for retirement, credit shall be iven the soldier for Pom Ricaerc. double the time of his actual service in Porto Itico, Cuba, or in the Philippine Islands. MISCELLANEOUS. For pay of not exceeding one hundred hospital matrons, twelve H°*‘pi°“‘ ’“*“’°”‘· thousand dollars. . For reimbursement of the traveling expenses, per diem, meals, lodg- ‘*°“*’**°* ”“”°”· ings, and sleeping-car fares of two hundred and eighteen contract nurses, whose names were forwarded by the Quartermaster-General to the Auditor for the War Department for adjudication andsettlement on or about February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine, four thousand two hundred and one dollars. . For hire of clerks, purchase of stationery, furniture, and for con- é_g‘—p;*;*g’ésw¤’ C°“°€° tingent expenses incident to the establishment of the Army War _" ` College, havinglfor its object the direction and coordination of the instruction in the various service schools, extension of the opportuni- Q ties for investigation and study in the Army and militia of the United ' States, and the collection and dissemination of military information, twenty thousand dollars. For pay of ten senior veterinary surgeons, fifteen thousand dollars. suséggglgr Vmmm For pay of ten junior veterinary surgeons, nine thousand dollars: Jimiorl Provided, That junior veterinary surgeons shall be allowed and, paid _5qgQ$¤;hc€ to monthlythe sum of three. .dollars and seventy-one cents during the ` entire period of their service in lieu of the clothing allowance of a seiigeanbmajor. or pay of ninety paymasters’ clerks, one hundred and thirty-three P¤>’¤¤¤¤*m’ clerksthousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter the pay of Army pay- P·‘m·¤;<>· masters’ clerks who have served as such over fifteen years shall be one p°`y °' _ thousand eight hundred dollars per. annum; the pay- of Army pay- » . masters’ cleiiks who have served as such. over ten years shall._ be one’ thousand six hundred dollars each per annum; the pay of Army pay- masters’ clerks who have served as such over five years shall be one thousand five hundred dollars each per annum; the pav of other Army paymasters’ clerks shall be one thousand four hundred dollars each per annum. For pay of paymasters’ messengers, ten thousand dollars. Sgl*;¤g’1g¤;¤¤S¤¢f¤' mw- For traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks and expert accountant riveiexpeusespay- of the Inspector—General’s Department, thirty-five thousand dollars. m'”‘°”' °1?“"· °‘°· In all, two hundred and seven thousand dollars. _ For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and compensation €,§,‘f,‘§,§§gf‘““"’“’·€t°·· gf reporters and witnesses attending the same, twenty-five thousand ollars. , Y . . S For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and eeiiilyiieigilgei giliégiie grounds at Washington, District of Columbia, one thousand do lars. b“‘ld‘“gS’D-C- For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty, with- qu€,‘;’,}g;“g$_i°“ °* out troops, at stations where there are no public quarters, five hundred ' th(}l`uSaD dollaril l d d h f ll T I ll or trave a owance to en iste men on isc arge, our mi ion .““’° ·** °"·’**“9*i eight hundred thousand dollars. giiiixiigli men on dis %`or clothing not drawn due to enlisted men on discharge, one inil— U“d“*“’¤ clmhing lion dollars. For interest on deposits of enlisted men, including soldierS’ deposits e15?$§§$1gEd°P°¤¤ go ubc repaid, two million two hundred and seventy-five thousand ` 0 ars. voL xxx1—14