Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/286

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234 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. Ch. 598. 1900. of one hundred thousand dollars, appropriated by the said Act of August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and now to their {KY-'£§"n0t to pu,. credit in the Treasury of the United States: Prolviderl, That such of irnefes- we- ¤¤ I6- said Indians as receive their pro rata share of said fund, under this mm`l°r°I md` provision, shall not hereafter partici ate in the payment of interest or principal on that portion of the fund) that shall remain. p0{{§¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤¤ wp- MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORTS. Céxggggzz w§gg¥;;» For subsistence and civilization of the Apaches, Kiowas, Comanches, em. " ’ Wichitas, and afliliated bands who have been collected in the reservations set apart for their use and occupation, fifty thousand dollars. C£{¤g>&g<>€¤ Mid For subsistence and civilization of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes lewho have been collected on the reservations set apart f_or their use and occupation, eighty thousand dollars. _ Chippewas of Lake For support and civilization of the Chippewas of Lake Superior, S°p€"°r’ Wm Wisconsin, to be expended for agricultural and educational purposes; ay of employees, including pay of physician, at one thousand two hundred dollars; purchase of goods and provisions, and for such other purposes as may be deemed for the best interests of said Indians, seven thousand dollars. Bg;;,¤lgf Aégggggggg For support and civilization of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas, North Dakota.North Dakota, including seeds, thirteen thousand dollars. mglegsgefegeg hams .For support and civilization of the confederated tribes and bands in Q mgmiddle Oregon, and for pay of employees, five thousand dollars. Cgiigrglgar I¤dif*¤S· For support and civilization of Digger Indians of California, and ` for locating them on lands purchase for them, two thousand five _ hundred dollars. d,Q;;V*g’,?;j*£,,§g$$gDI¤‘ For support and civilization of the D’VVamish and other allied tribes ·`in Washingtoii, including pay of em loyees, five thousand dollars. ‘F,Cghf€{;>(;é¤L}*Og1*;aQ1;* For support and civilization of 8arlos’s Band of Flatheads, Mona ’tana, inclu ing pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. .“§`I}&Q;¤¤d¤» et¤·» For sgpport and civilization of the Flatheads and other confederated itribes, ontana, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. H¤¤1v¤i¤.A¤¤<>¤¤·- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to urchase subsistence and _ other necessaries for the support of the Ifhalpais in Arizona, five - thtiusand dollars. d I _ AP¤°h€¤· €*°·· 4** or su ort an civilization of the A ache and other Indians in Zommm NBWMEXIW Arizona aiiid New Mexico who have been oi? may be collected on reservations in Arizona and New Mexico, two hundred and twenty-five - thousand dollars. I $h<>Sh¤¤é¤ md Bm For su ort civilization and instruction of the Shoshones and Bangi?vctiiib¤i?ii1¤iii8iii Res nocks andigthdr Indians of,the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, includini pay of employees, thirty-five thousand dollars. tixrgigggf R°S°"¤‘ `or support and education and civilization of the Indians of the . ’ Fort Peck Reservation in Montana, including pay of employees, h h t seventy-five thousanld dollars. d Sh S QS °¤"S· " °·· For su ort, civi ization, an instruction of the oshones, Ban- LEmh1Ag€Dcy’Iduh0` nocks, Shleidpeaters, and other Indians of the Lemhi Agency, Idaho, including pay of employees, thirteen thousand dollars. m§§;*‘j,*gf,§‘,§;)?‘§,;§}“‘ For sup ort, civilization, and instruction of the Klamaths, Modocs, ' and other Indians of the Klamath Agency, Oregon, including pay of , _ em loyees, five thousand dollars. _ O,§;h‘},§,§,§ I.1£{,‘,l,3i‘@·0‘;§; hpor support and civilization of the Kansas Indians,_Oklahoma Ter- » ritory, including agricultural assistance and pay of employees, two _ _ thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ _ O,§;§,l{;§g° T§;g{g§;g For support and civilization of the K1ckapoo Indians in Oklahoma Kicking kickapm T6i"I‘1lZ0;‘}g', five—tlhousar;dtdollars% i _ _ _1 t d d th m - { or e nrc ase o eams, armin 1m emen s, see s, an o er Okmo a Temmry necessary aiiticles for the Mexican Kiickapioo Indians, known as the