Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/299

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FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 598. 1900. 247 appropriations herein made for the purchase of subsistence for the several Indian tribes, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollarsin the a gregate, to supply any subsistence deficiency that may occur: Ho/vidai That any diversions which shall be made un er author- _{;Qg’gjg°¤· ity of this section shall be reported in detail, and the reason therefor, to ` Congress,·at the session of Congress next succeeding such diversion: Prooidedlfurther, That the Secretary of the Interior, under direction of cafggchase Of Stock the President, may ruse any sums appro riated in this Act for subsist- ` ence, and not absolutely necessary for that urpose, for the purchase of stock cattle for the beneit of the tribe for which such appropriation is made, and shall report to Congress, at its next session thereafter, . an account of his action under this provision: Prmiidedfurtker, That &v'£§§j,§{&f¤¤¤d¤ ¤¤¤ funds appropriated to fulfill treaty obligations shall not be used. _ Sec. 4. That when not required for the purpose for which appropri- €g`,§§§;;g;°* f¤¤dSf°*‘ ated, the funds herein provided fo1‘ the pay of specified emplo ees at ' any agency may be use by the Secretary of the Interior for the pay of other emplo ees at such agency, but no deficiency shall be thereby created; and,~when necessary, specified employees may be detailed for other service when not required for the duty for which they were engaged; and that the several appropriations herein or heretofore D“€’¤i°¤¤· made for millers, blacksmiths, engineers, carpenters, physicians, and other persons, and for various articles provided for by treaty stipula- V tion for the several Indian tribes, may be diverted to other uses for the benefit of said tribes, respectively, within the discretion of the President, and with the consent of saidtribes, e ressed in the usualmanner; and that he cause report to be made to lgbngress, at its next session _ thereafter, of his actionnnder thiglprovision: Provided, That with the Prwm- _ consenlp 0; the Crow; Ipd§ans in . opltang, to be obtained inhthe usual Mggw §°S°”Y“°'°”’ wa , the ecretaryo the nterior in is 'scretion,ma use the annuit . ”° ° ¤’%¤“i*Y money due or to become due said Indians to complete the irrigatioh §r(·ig§.ii<iii.mdmS M system heretofore commenced on said Crow Indian Reservation. · Sec. 5. That whenever, after advertising) for bids for suppliesin Rejection ensue. accordance with sections three and four of t is Act, those received for any article contain conditions detrimental to the interest of the Gov- · ernment, they may be rejected, and the articles specified in such bids —pu;·¤p¤ee¤ in open purchased in open market, at prices not to excee those of the lowest mr °` bidder, and not toexceed the market price of the same, until such time as satisfactory bids can be obtaine , for which immediate advertisement shall be made: Provided, That so much of the appropriations £·rw&s¤._ t_ _ herein made as may be required to pay for goods and supplies, for me£Kigi;l§1eK°ii§b11§°` expenses incident to their purchase, and for transportation of the . same, for the ear endin June.-thirtieth, nineteen hundred. and one, shall be immediately avagable, but no such. oods or supplies shall be lpispigugipn of supdistributed or delivered to any of said In§ans prior to July first, pm ° D msj nineteen hundred. i ‘ I V i , O Sec. 6. That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs shall report annu- Axiuuei report of. ally to Congress, speciically showing the number of employees at mp °y°°i? each agency, industrial, and boarding school, which are supported in whole or in part out of the appropriations in this Act, giving name, when employed, in what ca acity employed, male or female, whether white or Indian, amount oi:Pcom` nsation plaid, and-out of what item or fund of the appropriation paidjeand whet er, in the opinion of such Commissioner, any of such employees are unnecessary. O Sec. 7. That the proviso to the Act approved August fifteenth, mcnpereneiiaggret eighteen hundred and ninety-four, ermitting the sa e of allotted e¤`K°AK,§§m,§ §;§’$,'l lands by members of the Citizen Band? of Pottawatomie Indians and of gg$m§*‘“””* °‘ °k1“‘ the Absentee Shawnee Indians of Oklahoma is hereby extended so as `Adult heirs of aeto permit the adult heirs of a deceased allottee to sell and convey the §£h'§%‘{Z'$°;n’,§‘.§‘,’: lands inherited from such decedent; and if there be both adult and °*§;0,_,8 p_2%_ minor owners of such inherited lands, then such minors may join in a ’