Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/337

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 785. 1900. 285 of August fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, imposing upon the Government the ex ense of the ins ection of tobacco exported; also the act of June sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, imposing V°l·29·P-253- a tax on filled cheese, sixty-five thousand dollars. For salaries and expenses 'of agents, fees and expenses of gaugers, A€e¤*¤·g¤¤g¢FS»¢t¤- salaries and expenses of storekeepers and storekeeper-gaugers, and miscellaneous expenses, fifty thousand dollars. · To refund to the Central New York Telegraph and Telephone Tggngell Iggy {gk Conzlpany the penalty assessed against them December first, eighteen Phorge dhmpuny. Q e hun red and nmety-eight, for failure to make their return within the $§{l‘3'}fli,_.,58_ time prescribed by the ninth paragraph under Schedule A of the war-revenue law of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, ninety-three dollars and fifty-nine cents. BUREAU or ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. mgggeglgrgétglgsrev- To pay amounts fund due by the accountin officers of the Treasury M¤¢¢ri¤1S.¤r<=· on account of the appropriation “Materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing," for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one dollars and nineteen cents. For rent of office now occupied by agent of the Post-Office Depart- Remment to supervise the distribution of stamps of the Bureau of Engravilngland Printing, at a rental of fifty dollars per month, six hundred o ars. · REVENUE-oUirtrER SERVICE. Revenue-Cutter Service. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury Expeeeee on account of the appropriation "Expxenses of the Revenue—Cutter Service," for the fiscal year eighteen undred and ninety-nine, one thousand two hundred and eighty-six dollars and ninety-five cents. LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. lisiiiglgggieuse Estab- The accountin officers of the Treasury are authorized and directed U_C§lAW%¥€$% ·{§’,“,ej; to allow and credit in the account of Lieutenant-Colonel William A. <=<>¤¤¢¤f- Jones, United States Army, engineer of the Fifth light-house district, for the quarter ended March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine, the amount of one thousand three hundred and twenty-one dollars, plaid by him from the a propriation "R.epairs, and so forth, of light- ouses,” eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, for repairs under the instruction of the Light-House Board and by the authority of the Treasur Department, the same not to involve the further payment of money fiom the Treasury. EXPENSES OF BUOYAGE, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE: ggeggiérs Fmnk_ For amount disallowed upon appeal from the Light-House Board, nu._ ` bein for the actual necessary traveling expenses of Colonel Walter T"""1‘“g"Xp"““s‘ S. E$ranklin, the civilian member of the Light-House Board, from Baltimore, Maryland, to WVashington, District of Columbia, to attend meeting of the Light-House Board, four dollars and ninety-two cents. MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES. Odgggts wd assay To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- New O'lee“e· ury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, mint at New Orleans," for the fiscal year eighteen hundred an ninety-eight, two dollars and seventy-nine cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- Carsonury on account of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, mint at Carson," for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, thirty- two dollars and forty-eight cents.