Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/345

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 785. 1900. 293 laborers, and for all appliances and materials used under this head; also for repair of roa s and of other improvements of a permanent character, ve thousand dollars. NORTHWESTERN Baipirgn, AT MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin: For house- Milwaukee. hold, namely: Expendi res for furniture for ofricers’ quarters; for bedsteads, bedding, bedding) material, and all other articles required in the quarters of the mem ers, and for their repair if they are not repaired by the Home; for fuel, including fuel for cookin , heat, and light; for engineers and firemen, bath-house keepers, hagl cleaners, laundrymen, gas and soap makers, and rivy watchmen, and for all labor, materials, and appliances required) for household use, and for their repair, unless the repairs are made by the Home, two thousand five hundred dollars. For addition to hospital, one thousand five hundred dollars. SOUTHERN BRANCH, AT HAMPTON, VIRGINIA: For current ex enses, H°·mP*°¤· namely: Pay of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Iiome, clerks, and orderlies, with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted; also payments for chaplains and religious instruction, printers, bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and ire company; for all property and material purchased for their use, including repairs not done by the Home; for necessary expenditures for articles of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instruments, and for repairs not done by the Home; and for stationery, advertising, le al advice, for payments due heirs of deceased members, and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other heads of expenditure, five hundred dollars. For trans ortation, namely: For transportation of members of the Home, five liundred dollars. WESTERN BRANCH AT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS! For household, ¤=¤V€¤W¤¤=!l- namely: Including the same objects sipeciiied under this head for the Northwestern Branch, ten thousand ollars. MARION BRANc1=r, AT MARION, INDIANA: For current expenses, Marion. namely: Including the same objects specified under this head for the Southern Branch, two thousand dollars. For household, namely: Including the same objects specified under this head for the Northwestern Branch, eight hundred ollars. For hos ital, namely: VPay of assistant surgeons, matrons, druggists, hospital clerks and stewards, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, readers, hospital-carriage drivers, hearse drivers, gravediggers, funeral escort, and for such other services as may be necessary for the care of the sick; for surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicines, liquors, fruits, and other necessaries for the sick not on the regular ration; for bedsteads, bedding, and bedding material, and all ot er articles necessary for the wards; for hospital, kitchen, and diningroom furniture and a pliances, including aprons, caps, and jackets for hospital, kitchen, and dining-room employees; for carriage, hearse, stretchers, collins; for tools of gravediggers, and for all. repairs to hospital furniture and appliances not done by the Home, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars. · For carpenter and paint shop, five hundred dollars. `For greenhouse, one thousand five hundred dollars. For nurses’ quarters, five hundred dollars. ' For electric-light building, ive thousand and twenty-three dollars and thirty-six cents. =» For surgeons’ quarters, nine hundred and thirty dollars and eighty- five cents. For addition to electric-light plant, five thousand dollars. AT THE DANVILLE BRANCH, DAl\“VILLE, ILLINOISZ For current Danville. expenses, subsistence, household, hospital, transportation, repairs,