Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/481

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 786. 1900. 429 excuse therefor, as herein provided, at ·,the time and place specified therein; if it be returnable forthwith, and the place of return be within twenty miles of the place of service, the return must be made and the party produced within twenty-four hours, and the same time is allowed for every additional twenty miles. _ Sec. 607. At any time after the allowance of such writ or warrant ,,Sv§‘,‘{§O,‘jf"“‘ *’“ J"' by the court or judge thereof, the plaintiff therein, or the person a plying therefor on his behalf, may give notice to the jpdge issuing tge same, and thereupon, if necessary to avoid delay, suc judge shal by order require that the return be made and the party produce before hiréi at such time and place as maydbe comgznient. 1 d h f Ec. 608. ny art toa rocee in b abeas co us, includingt e Apljm fem 5*168- United States whgn tlire distlfict attorgeyya pears tlitdiein, may appeal Iiileeiliéélaliiiiiigrii mm) from the judgment of the district court refhsing to allow such writ or any final judgment therein, either in term time or vacation, in like manner and with like eifect as in an action. No question once finally determined upon a proceeding by habeas corpus shall be reexamined upon another or subsequent proceeding of the same kind. CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT. OF THE PUNISHMENT OF coNTEMP*rs. Sec. Sec. i 609. Contempts defined; 617. Return of warrant, and proceedings 610. Punishment for contempt. on appearance. 611. In presence of court, how punished. 618. Determination and sentence. 612. In other cases, mode of proceeding. 619.· Judgment to indemnify party in- 613. If defendant imprisoned, may be jured. brought ug. _ _ _ j I 620. When party may be imdprisoned. 614. The United tates is plaintiff; when 621. Person also liab e to in ictment. district attorney may prosecute. 622. If party do not appear, proceedings 615. When defendant bailedg how war- thereon. rant executed. ’ 623. Appeal from judgment. 616. Bail, how given. . Sec. 609. The following acts or omissions, in respect to a court of C°¤°°mP°S d°“¤€d· justice, or proceedings therein, are deemed to be contempts of the authority of the court: First. Disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent behavior toward the judge while holding the court, tending] to impair its authority or to interrupt the due course of a trial or other judicial proceedin ; Second. A breach of the peace, boisterous conduct, or violent disturbance, tending to interrupt the due course of a trial or other judicial · proceeding; Third. Misbehavior in office, or other willful neglect or violation of duty, by an attorney, clerk, marshal, or other person appointed or selected to erform a judicial or ministerial service; Fourth. Beceit, or abuse of the process or proceedings of the court, by a arty to an action or special proceeding; Fiflth. Disobedience of any lawful judgment, order, or process of the court; Sixth. Assuming to be an attorney or other officer of the court, and acting as such without authority in a particular instance; · Seventh. Rescuing any person or propert in the custody of an . officer by virtue of an order or process of such court; Eighth. Unlawfully detaining a witness or party to an action or proceeding while going-to, remaining at, or returning from the court where the same is for trial; Ninth. An other unlawful interference with the process or proceedings of the court;