Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/640

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.588 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 790. 1900. l{!f§’§”§,¥§,P*I;·,{"§Q,, Outlet of Mississippi River: Section one of the Act entitled "An amennea. ’Act making appropmations for the construction, repair, and preserva- _ tion of certain pub ic works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes,” approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is herebly, amended as follows: In the paragraph beginning “Improving out et of the Mississippi River," strike out the word iz two" beztore the word " dredges" and insert in lieu thereof the words one or more,. r . ` Yfg- ?j¤g;1ggljNg;{ Sec. 5. That the so-called East Channel across Sandy Hook Bar, New namedl Ambrose York Harbor, for the improvement of which provision was made by °l§?,'§{‘§ji p_ m3_ the river and harbor Act approved March thir , eighteen hundred and P<>¤¢» P· 627- ninety-nine, shall hereafter e known as Ambrose Channel. g*;¤%m_ im mw Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized and ment beam aiithor- directed to appoint two naval officers, and the Secretary of War one “°d· engineer officer, to constitute a board whose duty it shal be, under the d1rection of the Secretary of the Navy, to make a survey, plan, and esiumates for the 1mprovement of a harbor at the islan of Guam; and the sum of ten thousandwlollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby apprpipriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , for this purpose. Approved, June 6, 1_900. June 6, 1900. CHAP. 791.-An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil éxipenses of the ···""_""" ggvégggmzwe fiscal year en ing une thirtieth, nineteen hundre and one, and , · ·Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 f the United mgggy*%{§,§§;’;gm*_§‘ States of America bn, Congress assemble , That the following sums be, ` and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects ereinafter expressed, for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred an one, namely: i • '1`re¤s¤rrD¤p¤rtm¢¤t· UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. _. -., Public buildings. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. A1=<>¤¤¤»P¤- For court-house and post-office at Altoona, Pennsylvania: The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into a contract or ccgntracts for the completion of said building within its present limit o cost. . A11>¤¤r.N·Y- For custom-house and post-office at Albany, New York: For makin cellar water-tight and for special necessary repairs to building and approaches, twenty-tive thousand dollars. _ B¤¤w¤.M¤¤¤· or post-office and subtreasury at Boston, Massachusetts: For re- ‘ pairs o the buildin? installation of elevator system, remodeling, and plumbing, and wor incident to electric-light service, one hundred ‘ and seventy-five thousand dollars. ‘ B¤1¤m•>re.Md- For custom·house at Baltimore, Mar land: For continuation of _ building under present limit, one hundred, and fifty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into a contrapt or cpntracts for the completion of said building within its resent imit o cost. .-mpans, ern com- P For rental of temporary quarters for the accommodation of customh°““° b‘“m“" · house and other Government ofhcials at Baltimore, Maryland, and for _ removing furniture, fixtures, safes, and other Government propert , and for repairing the old United States court-house building and tile adjacent building erected by the city of Baltimore and to adapt the same to the uses of Government offices, twenty-three thousand dollars: {given- { {Provided, That all the provisions in the sundry civil Act approved stm $?rga,°r °°° ° March second, eighteen undred and ninety-tive, relating to the build-