FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 792. 1900. 655 Stable for officers’ horses, three thousand eight hundred dollars; New front porch for quarters numocred twenty-five, seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars; One hundred and sixty-eight running feet of light iron porch, `with yellow-pine iioor and tin roof, for south side and east end of the cavalry barracks, four thousand two hundred dollars; Gradinlg street and laying granolithic walk on approaches to new Memoria Hall, two thousand six hundred dollars; Gradin street and, layin granolithic walkin front of chapel and library, tgree thousandoneiundred dollars; Construction of one small brick magazine or storehouse for smallarm and rapid-fire ammunition, one thousand six hundred dollars; For thorou hly overhauling and repairing the roofs, gutters, and leaders on caglet mess hall, kitchens, and attached buildings, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; Repainting exterior walls, woodwork, and tin roofs of fiftv—eight sets of officers’ uarters, seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; Repairing and renewing porches, floors, and steps of thirty sets of married enlisted men’s quarters, five hundred and twenty-five dollars; Repainting exterior woodwork and reputt ing windows of thirty sets of married enlisted men’s quarters, one tlivousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars; Rebuilding wall on south dock road, eleven thousand seven hundred and seventy-Eve dollars; ' Rebuilding engineer stables, two thousand dollars; Purchase of four barges for use of cadets, five hundred dollars; _ VVater house for storage of liltered water in connection with ¢e;i?m`°uppl’ S"`
- Lusk" reservoir and_ filter beds, seventeen thousand five hundred
ollars; . House for keeper near "Lusk” reservoir, three thousand dollars; - d glecessary improvements to the water-supply system, ten thousand o ars; Provided, That from the foregoing appropriations for waterworks, _§Q$}§€§{;,,. pa,. M, a sum not to exceed seventy-five cents per ay may be paid as extra- ¤v¢r¤¤¤r- d1;1ty(pay to the overseer, when such overseer is a soldier detailed for t at ut . . . Provided farther, That the appropriation contained in the Act »y1i>°¤iii¢i1f¤igi“l°fl1bm` approved February twenty-seventh, eilghteen hundred and ninety- V°1·3°·p·°°3· nme, for the complete renovation of the library building, seventy thousand dollars, is hereby made available until expended. _ Pro/vided further, That the appropriation contained in the Act ,,§,,°{”$,‘;§E,$?,§,E‘“g°“”‘° approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, for recon- V<>1·29·P-54 structing the cable coal railway, including replacing the present wooden trestle with an iron trestle, straightening and relaying rails, repairing and equipging the cars with new apparatus, new cable, new track, pulleys an sheaves, new cable driver with steam cylinders, complete, twenty thousand dollars; and so much remaining unexpended is hereby made available to coizilplete the payment for work done by the Trenton Iron Company, as fin payment on agreement for furnishing materials and labor for the reconstruction of the cable coal railway, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty cents. _ Total buildings and grounds, two hundred and eight thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars. ` Sec. 2. That the senior major-general of the line commanding_ the Mg¤g;_¤gggg;.§{¤¤{,g¢l$i: Army shall have the rank, ay, and allowances of a lieutenant-general, manning the A my and his personal staff shall have the·rank, pay, and allowances author- “d ’°°°‘ ized for the staff of a lieutenant·general. _ - Sec. 3. That the Adj utant-General of the Army shall have the rank ·Ad5u*¤¤'=·G°¤°*¤*- ay, and allowances of a majlpr-lgeneral in the Army of the United States, and on his retirement S al receive the retired pay of that rank: