Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/748

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696 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 859. 1900. mi? J“¤¤— P°”° NAVAL STATION, SAN JUAN, PoR·ro‘R1co: Coaling facilities, thirty ` thousand dollars; pier, fifteen thousand dollars; dredging, two thousand dollars; electric-light plant, ive thousand dollars; in all, naval station, San Juan, Porto Rico, fifty-two thousand dollars. P¤¤¤¤¤<>*•*·F'¤· NAVY-YARD, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA} Hand pillar crane, seven thousand three hundred dollars; boiler and engine room, buildin twenty- six, for construction and repair, one thousand dollars; boiler room, building thirty-eight, for construction and re air, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, navy-yard, Pensacola, nine thousand five hundred dollars. , Algi¤1‘S»L¤· NAVAL STATION, ALGIERS, LoU1s1ANA: Shops for steam engineering, fifty thousand dollars; shops for construction and repair, ninety-Ve thousand dollars; in all, naval station, Algiers, one hundred and forty- five thousand dollars. Dr>‘T¤¤¢¤8¤¤·Fl**· DREDGING, DRY TORTUGAS, FLORIDA! Dredging channel, one hundred thousand dollars. d0%ézi¢r¤» Le- dw DRY DOCK, Ammns, LoU1s1ANA: To complete floating dry dock for ` Algiers, Louisiana, six hundred and fifty thousand ollars, to be immediately available. compienngtourdry FOUR DRY Dooxs: Toward completion of dry docks at navy—yards: °°°k"‘ Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston., Massachusetts; Lea e Island, geliinsylvania, and Mare Island, California, nine hundregu thousand o ars. Dr{l dock, gleam? DRY DUCK, HAVANA, CUBA: The President is hereby authorized to Pm ”° aut ° Rurchase from the Government of S ain, for a sum not to exceed two hundred and seventy-Eve thousand dollars, the ten-thousand·ton steel floating dry dock belon ing to that Government and now in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, and gba sum of three hundred thousand dollars, o1· so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of said dock and for transferring and mooring the same in such location as may be determined upon by the President. R¢1>¤i¤¤ mid P¤‘=*°f· REPAIRS AND PRESERVATION AT NAVY-YARDS AND— STATIONS! For v’m°”' repairs and reservation at navy-yards and stations, five hundred thousand dollldrs. ·* In all, public works, eight million one hundred and five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven dollars and thirty-two cents. ,§¤Y·'¤lA°**d"mY- _ REKUILDINGS AND GROUNDS NAVAL ACADEMY: Toward the construcuildings and lm , _ _ 9 I _ _ pmvemems. tion of buildings, and for other necessary improvements, at the l\aval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, three hundred and fifty thousand dol- _5*$§*g(§i pmposm lars: Provided, hat before any part of this sum is expended, complete plans shall be prepared an approved by the Secretary of the lavy coverin all contemplated new buildings and improvements at the Naval Acgdemy and for each and every purpose connected therewith; which plans shall involve a totaT"`expenditure of not more than eight million dollars, including the sum of one million two hundred and twenty thousand dollars heretofore appropriated and the sum herein appropriated for said buildings and improvements and for all . additionaliland needed and re uired to carry out the aforesaid plans: Y-<=¤¤¤·¤<¤¤¤ ¤¤¤h¤¤· .H·0vicZed_fin·Z/ze1·, That after flie preparation and approval of the plans zed. . . - . . herein provided for, the Secretary of the l\avy is authorized to enter into contract or contracts for any part or all of the improvements and • buildings herein authorized, within the said limit of cost, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. Xml <*b*€"¤*¤¤‘· NAVAL OBSERVATOR1'Z For grounds and roads: Continuing grading, extending roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds, ten thousand dollars. New b¤“<“¤8¤· NEW BUILDINGS! Construction on the grounds of a building suitable for a dwelling for the foreman and captain of the watch, two thousand five hundred dollars.