Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/755

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 859. 1900. 703 for labor at gas works and steam buildings, for masons, carpenters, and other mechanics and laborers, and for care of buildin s, grounds, wharves, and boats, thirty-seven thousand eight hundreg and sixty- four dollars and ninety-five cents; one attengant in purifying house of the gas house, at one dollar and fifty cents per diem; in all, forty- four thousand and sixty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents. PAY or s·rEAM Em1>LoYEEs, NAVAL AGADEMY: For pay of mechanics _,,,§,'F‘Q,¥g{,‘{,{,‘§;$ *‘°*“” and others in department of steam engineering, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-four dollars and hfty cents. For special course of study and training of naval cadets, as author- $§,‘fi§Q°',}‘¥;,§g“*“‘i‘g· ized by Act of Congress approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and' ` eiggity-two, three thousand dollars. _ ·ErAIns, NAVAL ACADEMY! Necessary repairs of public buildings, Renamwharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academy, ilmgrovements, repairs, furniture and fixtures, twenty-one thousand o ars. HEATING AND LIGHTING, NAVAL ACADEINIYZ Fuel, oil, waste, and Fuel ¤¤d li=¤¤¤ other materials for the operation, repair, and maintenance of“ the plant; heating and lighting apparatus and tools; for heating and light- Ing/the Academy, twenty thousand dollars. `ONTINGENT, NAVAL AGADEMY: Purchase of books for the library <>**¤¤i¤S¤¤¤- (to be purchased in open market on the written order of the Superintendent), two thousand dollars; stationery, blank books, models, maps, and text-books for use of instructors, two thousand dollars; expenses " of the Board of Visitors of the Naval Academy, being mileage and five dollars per diem for each member for expenses during- actual attendance at the Academy and for suppl ing necessary outiit for the board house, three thousand dollars; purchase of chemicals, apparatus, and instruments in the department of physics, and for repairs of the same, two thousand dollars; purchase of gas and steam machinery, steam pipes and fittings, rent of buildings for the use of the Academy, freight, cartage, water,`music, musical and astronomical instruments, uniforms for the bandsmen, telegraphing, feed and maintenance of teams, current expenses, and repairs of all kinds, and for incidental labor and expenses not applicab e to any other appropriation, thirty- two thousand dollars; stores in the departments of steam engineering, eight hundred dollars; materials for repairs in steam machinery, one thousand dollars; for contingencies for the Superintendent of the Academy, to be expended in his discretion, one thousand dollars; in all, forty-three thousand eight hundred dollars. Whenever any naval cadet shall have finished four years of his g_*j§§§€h,ngapp0,n,_ under raduate course of six years the succeeding appointment may be mem mer four rem made from his Congressional district or at large in accordance with °mx'y°" °°“”°‘ existing law. ' The appointees to follow the_ two classes of cadets now at sea may ,0$fg§i¤{{gg¤*g,agS*§é enter the Academy during the present year and those to succeed· the uowatsea, em. class which is now Hnishing its four years of study shall be appointed before March fourth, next, to enter the Academy during tllfe year nineteen hundred and one. During a period of twelve years from the passage of this Act any 1§¤r;r¤<i1i¤¢·_ { naval officer on the retired list may, in the discretion of the Secretary Omsdrgimidgiigga °r of the Nav , be ordered to such duty as he may be able to peI·form at ' sea or on shore, and while so employed shall receive the pay and allowances of an officer of the active list of the grade from which he was retired. · MARINE conrs. ******6 00*1* PAY, MARINE CORPs: For pay and allowances prescribed by law of Pwoflicers on the active list, four hundred and sixteen thousand nine hundred dollars.