Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/758

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706 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 859. 1906. F°’“g°· FORAGE, MARINE CORPSZ For forage in kind for horses of the quartermla;ster’s(§le1pgi·tment, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, six thousand dollars. H**°°f<1“=*"°”- HIRE OF QUARTERS, MARINE CORPS: For hire of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them; for hire of quarters for enlisted men em loyed as clerks and messengers in the offices of the commandant, adiutant and inspector, paymaster, and quarter- - master, and the offices of the assistant adjutant and inspector, the assistant paymaster, and the assistant quartermasters at twenty-one dollars each per month, and for enlisted men employed as messengers in said offices, at ten dollars each per month, fourteen thousand seven hundred and forty-eight dollars. °°¤*i¤g¤¤*· • CONTINGENT, MARINE CORPSZ For freight, tolls, cartage, advertising, washing of bed sacks, mattress covers, pillow-cases, towels, and sheets, funeral expenses of marines,stationery and other paper, telegraphing, rent of telephones, purchase and repair of typewriters, apprehension of stragglers and deserters, er diem of enl1sted men employed on constant labor for a period otp not less than ten days, repair of gas and water fixtures, office and barracks furniture, camp and garrison equipage and implements, mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, plates, spoons, knives and forks, tin cups, pans, pots, and so forth; packing boxes, wrapping paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, camphor . and earbolized paper, carpenters’ tools, tools for police purposes, iron

 _ safes, purchase and repair of public wagons, purchase and repair of

'flii public harness, purchase of public horses, services of veterinary surgeons and medicines for pub ic horses, purchase and repair of hose, purchase and repair of fire extinguishers, purchase of Hre hand grenades, purchase and repair of carts, wheelbarrows, and lawn mowers; purchase and repair of cooking stoves, ranges, stoves, and furnacesw ere there are no grates; purchase of ice, towels, soap, combs, and brushes for offices; postage stamps for foreign postage; purchase of books, newspapers, and periodicals; parade grounds, repair of Humps and wharves, laying drain, water, and gas pipes, water, introucing gas, and for gas, gas oil, and Introduction an maintenance of electric ights; straw for edding, mattresses, mattress covers, pillows, sheets; wire bunk bottoms for enlisted men at various posts; furniture for Government quarters and repair of same, and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising at home and abroad, but impossible to antici ate or classify, sixtg-one thousand seven hundred dollars: Qgfjsgslmd ,m_ Provided; That four thousan two hundred dollars of the foregoing mrs. appropriation shall be apglged to the restoration of the sewer system for the Marine Barracks, are Island. _ Increase of the INCREASE OF THE NAVY. Navy. tlgxgpgea g°‘“g b“" That for the urpose of further increasing the naval establishment " of the United Sliates, the President is hereby authorized to have constructed by contract two seagoing battle ships, carriying the heaviest armor and most powerful ordnance for vessels of their class, upon a trial displacement of about thirteen thousand five hundred tons, and to have the hightest practicable speed and great radius of action, and to _ cost, exclusive. of armor and armament, not exceeding three million e}Q‘“"`*“"""°"""“‘S‘ six hundred thousand dollars each; three armored cruisers of about l thirteen thousand tons trial displacement, carryin the heaviest armor and most powerful ordnance for vessels of their class, and to have the highest practicable speed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of armor an armament, not exceeding four million two hun- ,_r'\§};;$;_ 1**`***°°°°° dred and fifty thousand dollars each; and three protected cruisers of about eight thousand tons trial displacement, carrying the most pow-