Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/79

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 14-16. 1900. 27 service: Provided, That no one of said judgments provided in this amt. paragraph Shall be paid until the Attorney-General shall have certified gr€$Lt§§?§‘;°¤°Q&$Z$l{aY_f to the Secretary of the Treasury that there exists no grounds sufficient in his opinion to support a motion fO1‘ a new trial or an appeal of said cause. . J UDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS. For the payment of the judgments rendered by the Court of Claims, fhgdsmonts. court reported to Congress at its present session in House Document Numbered ° C mms` Two hundred and.twenty-six and Senate Document Numbered Ninety- nine, two million one hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars and eighty-two cents: Provided, That none of the Proteojudgments herein provided for shall be paid until the righ ?> of appeal APN" shall have expired. Approved, February 9, 1900. CHAP. 15.-An Act Relating to Cuban vessels. February 10, 1900. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the C02-tted States ofAme2~iea in Congress assembled, That vessels owned by citizens camp vessels to of Cuba and documented as such by officers of the United States shall §‘,§}[§e§‘$,l;€§0§f,§?S‘ hereafter be entitled in plcrts of the United States to the rights and privileges of vessels of the most favored nation, and they and their cargoes shall be subject to no higher charges in ports of the United States than are imposed on the vessels and cargoes of the most favored nation in the same trade. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to Refund of duesotorefund, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon application and satisfactory evidence, tonnage taxes and light dues which have been imposed on vessels owned by citizens of Cuba entering ports of the United States since April eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, which have been in excess of the tonnage taxes prescribed by section eleven of the Act of June nineteenth, eighteen Vo1- 24. i>· 81- undred and eighty-six. · Approved, February 10, 1900. CHAP. 16.-An Act To amend the first section of an Act to change the time and February 10. 1900- places for the district and circuit courts of the northern district of Texas, approved i"__"“`"""` June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Be it enacted by the Senate and ffonse 0 f Representatives of the United States QfA?72€?‘tC€t in Congress assembled, That the first section of an d_Te>p§. northern Jo- Act to change the time and places for the district and circuit courts of 1€}Z1_2§?°§l(if56, the northern district of Texas, approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninet —six, be, and the same is, so amended to provide: . "That the Ulhited States district and circuit courts for the northern Tormsof court. district of Texas shall be held in each year at the time and places as ` follows:. At Dallas, in the county of Dallas, on the third Monday in January and the fourth Monday in May; at Fort IVorth, in the county of Tarrant, on the first Monday in March and the fourth Monday in November; at Abilene, in the countv of Taylor, on the first Monday in April and the fourth Monday in September; at San An elo, in the county of Tom Green, on the third Monday in A ril and the third Monday in November; at Wa·co, in the county of R{[cLennan, on the fourth Monday in April and the second Monday in October." Sec. 2. That this Act take effect and be in force from and after its Effectpassage. Approved, February 10, 1900.