Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/801

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FIBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 192. 1901. 749 Sno, 4, That the Artillery Corps shall comprise two branches—the dé£,§g{j¤'* *”““°’>"' coast artillery {Ed tlzle hegld agtillery. The coagt iertglexgr is dehned as that portion c rge wi the care and use o the xe and movable elements of land and coast fortihcations, includin the submarine mine · · or cc - —" ¤ ew-" and torpedo defenses and the held artillery asg that tion a om Held will panying an army in the held, and including held and) light artillery proper, horseba§t6illery,§ge artil&`e:·y;, 1mou£t%n artédgcry, and also mac me-gun a ries: 0*0 A a t is s a not construe to Pwviw- _ limit the authority of the Secretaiy of War_to order coast artillery` to ;eg·“g§§°§§§°§¥°Y£§§ any duty which the (public service demands or to prevent the use of §,,h;§g§f‘“ “°‘ '°‘ machine orfotiheié hel guns gvyvany other arm of the service under the -— direction 0 the ecretary o ar. ' Sec. 5. That all ohicers of artillery shall be placed on one list, in Oéecmgggllgggh gif res act to romotion, accordin to seniorit in their several rades, bmpcu morning w (F P _ g Y S an shall be assigned to coast or to held artillery according to their “*’“°“d°· special aptitude for the respective services. _ _ _ A Sec. 6. That the Artrllerly Corps shall consist of a Chief of Artillery, C,g§s=j¤v¤¤ili¤¤ of _ wkho sllripll be selected angh eta1il¥edfby1the Pree1die£1t from the golonels o arf ery to serve on e sta o the enera officer comman in the Army, and’whose duties shall be plrescgbed b the Secretary of &Iar; fourteen colonels, one of whom s all be the Chief of Artillery; thirteen lieutenant-colonels, thirty-nine majors, one hundred and ninety- hve captams, one hundred an ninety-hve hrst lieutenants, one hundred and ninety-hve second lieutenants; and the captains and lieutenants - provided for in this section not required for duty with batteries or com- " panics shall be available for duty asstaif officers of the various artillery garrisons and such other details as may be authorized by law and regulations; twenty-one sergeants-major, with the rank, pay, and allowances of regimental sergpants-major of infantry; twenty-seven sergeants-major, with the ran , pay, and allowances of battalion sergeants-major of infantry; one electrician sergeant to each coast artillery post having electrical appliances; thirty batteries of held artilleryéone · g undred and twenty-six batteries of coast artillery, and ten nds Q organized as now authorized by law for artillery regiments: Provided, P”’”'**°· _ " That the aggregate number of enlisted men for the artillery, as (pro-_ Limit °“h“‘°d m°'· vided under bl11S Act, shall not exceed eighteen thousand nine hun red and twent¥ exclusive of electrician sergeants. __ A Sec. 7. hat each comfpany of coast artillery shall be orggnized as is g&§,<?,g{,g,{fm€*>’= 0* now prescribed by law or a battery of artillery: h, That the yl.:p0,p.¤vs. enlistedstrength of any company may be hxed, under the direction of D §'{”Z'fi‘mi H in g the Secretary of War, according to the re¥u1rements of the service to Smugfh °‘ °°'¤P**¤Y· whieh it may be assigned: And frmxided, hat first-class gunners shall gu*;Q,‘§,g{°¤“‘ PW *0 receive two dollars a month, an second·class gunners one dollar per mcglth in adlisltion th illlaéir paylf ld t1ll h ll be ed C Fi ld ml}. Ec. 8. T theac ttery o e arery_s a or niz as is °°fY* °" noylv piijelscrgaed by laevigndsghe enlisted egzrrength thereof glial] be hxed gmmuom em un er e `rection o e cretary o ar. ' l Sec. 9. That the increase herein provided for the artillery shall be mQVd*;$¤i¤°*8°¤€_*°b° made as follows: Not less than twenty per centum before uly hrst, nineteen hundred and one, and not less than twenty per centum each succeeding twelve months until the total number (provided for shall _ have been attained. All vacancies created or cause by this Act shall m}Q§f’““°“*‘· Mw be iilled_ by promotion according to seniority in the_ artillery arm. T f { th Second heutenants of mfantry or cavalry may, in the discretion of the ,,.m’§““ °” ’°m° °’ President, be transferred to the artillery arm, taking rank therein according to date of commission, and such transfers shall be subject to approval by a board of artillery ohicers agpointed to pass upon the Pr _ capac1ty of sueh ohicersforartillery service: romded, Thatthe increase P,‘§,",$§;,,0n,,,,,¤_ of officers of artillery shall be only in proportion to the increase of ¤r¤¤~·¢ <>f ¤¤=l¢¤r¤· men. ‘ -