Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/842

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790 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 365, 37 0-372. 1901. ·‘“"S*° ”*"*¤°**°“· SEC, 3. That said bridge shall be so kept and managed as to offer _ reasonable and proper means for the passage of boats and other craft L‘gh"· thrplugltr or ugdar the same;dand fordthe safety of vesselspassing at nig t there s a be dis laye on said bridge from sunset to sunrise such signal lights or otiier signals as the Light—House Board may pre- . Ch“”g*’S· scribe. And any changes in the said bridge which th; Secretary of VVar may at any time deem necessary and order in the interests of navigation shall be made by the said board of supervisors thereof at the expense of said Grenada County. m¥a¤gf;{1r0*{jt;“°”“’° Sec. 4. That any bridge constructed under this Act shall be a legal ` structure and shall be known as a post road, over which no higher charge shall be made for the transportation of mails, troops, and munitions of war, or other property of the United States over the same than ‘ the rate per mile charged for their transgortation over the railways of, P°S‘“l ‘“°g"“¥’h· ‘ and public highways leading to, said bri ge. The United States shall also have the rig t of. way over said bridge for postal telegraph purposes. _ ,,,,°Q,°c‘§,,’f;‘,{’,,‘§,f,,§’f"°“t Sec. 5. That this Act shall be null and void if the actual construction of said bridge shall not be commenced within one year and completed within three years after the date hereof. A¤¤¢¤<1m¤¤¢- Sec. That thde right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, February 12, 1901. February 13. 1901. B 0%% 37g.—AntAct 'go plxiolxgi? for the entry of lands formerly in the Lower "*"‘“—" ru e n ian eserva ion, out a ota.  » _ Be it enacted by the Senate and H>us;2>fRq>resentatives of the United Rel;g‘§;n¥});}"g Qgglfn égfazfles p('Anzer§ealinI C;1ongre§s assernbl , Thlat sgl lands? gi thpltlpoligtion Cermin lintds ih, o the ower ru e I1 ian eservation in the tate o out a ota °p°“°dt° S°m°m°'”' ceded to the United States by the Act df March fourth, eighteen hung dred and ninety-eight, and ratified by the Act of March third, eighteen hugdrei and nineaty-nine, are hireby opentéd to settlement apd lpntry un er the public and laws of the nited tates, including the omestead laws. ` Approved, February 13, 1901. i  ;-— ·` ’· v\v—*———-————’:L · February 15,1901. CHAP. 3'71.—An Act For the establishment of a beacon light near Grubbs Land- ·-·· · ing, Delaware River, Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Riiresentatioes of the United Dggxli RI;$g},f’1§§f· States of America in Congress assernbled, at the Secretary of the ugdeagpu uehwuther- Treasury IS hereby authorized and directed to have established a beacon ‘ l1ght near Grubbs Landing, Delaware River, Delaware, at a cost_not to exceed eight thousand dollars. Approved, February 15, 1901. Febmary 15, 1901. , 3713: iing Act Relating to rights of way through certain parks, reservations, ····——···;‘ an o erpu ic an s. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and 1%use of R'?resentati*ves of the United §*;gl{<;g¤¤gg- my States of America in Congress assembled,. hat the Secretary of the through reservations, Interior be, and` hereby is, authorized and empowered, under general °°°‘*““"‘°‘"°d‘ regulations to befixed by him, to permit the use of rights of way through the lpublic lands, forest and other reservations og the United States, and the Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks,