Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/882

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830 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 670. 1901. For grading, regulating, and macadamizing Trenton street, from Brightwood avenue to Eighth street, three thousand dollars; Egnr Joliet street, Wisconsin avenue to Tunlaw road, grading and re lating, nineteen thousand six hundred dollars; Far Benénings and Anacostia roads, grading and macadamizing, live thousand ollars; For completing masonry retainin wall on the east side of Rock Creelk, gegween Cincinnati street andgWoodley·road, one thousand two hun re ollars; For ving Cincinnati street and Connecticut avenue extended from Rock Cligek to Cathedral avenue, twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-six thousand eight hundred dollars. sums. STREETS. nspam. REPAIRS STREETS, AVENUES, AND ALLEYS: For current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing and relpairs to concrete pavements with the same or other not inferior materia , two hundred thousand dollars; and this appropriation shall be available for sum muwsys. repairing the {pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expende shall be collected from such railroad company as pro- V°1·2°·P· 1**6- vided by section five of "An Act providing aétpermanent orm of governmentfor the District of Colun1b1a," approv June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in.which they are collected. sidewalks or re lacing and repairing sidewalks and curbs around public reservations, government and municipal buildings, ten thousand dollars. County r<>¤¤¤· Rnmms ooimcrr norms Foihcurrergtgvqfk of repairs of county roads and suburban streets, eig ty thousand dollars. - E Hnlfogrlggisoegngosé _ That one-half of the sum of ten thousand dollars appropriated by the b¤?1.ige¤,_em., charged ]o1nt_resolution making an emergency approximation for the regair of '°Z;"*I‘j”;2,_ certain roads and bridges in the 1str1ct of olumbia, approve June ’seventh, rprggeen hun red, shall be charged to the revenues of the District o umbia. miprgtréwgtnrghsewwv §PRlINKI1ING,t1SWiI?SEPING, AND lcinmnmg: Flpr Eprinlglingg sweppcing, ‘ " an c eamn s ee , avenues, a eys, an su ur an s ree , including necessary i1%ci(<%ental{e(§1penses;1 and liwork dose unger existing cqlntiiagts, as well as an wor one un er the imme iate irection of themggbvgvgoim be dom missioners without contract: _P1·0*vided, That whenever it shall applear by contracny to the Commissioners that said latter workcan not be done undert e1r immediate direction at nineteen cents or less per thousand square yards in accordance with the specifications under which the same was last advertised for bids, it shall. at once be their duty to advertise to let said work under said specifications to the lowest responsible bidder, and if the same can not be procured to be done at a price not exceedin twenty cents er thousand square yards, they msg; continue , to do sa§l work under their immediate direction, in accor nce with

 said specications; one hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars.

i Cleaning mow wd For cleaning snow and ice from cross walks and gutters, under the °%.,1_zg,p_m9_ Alot appircévelc; March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand o rs. . outage, ew., as- Dxsrosu. or crrr EEEUSE: For the collection and disposal of gar- "°”‘· bage: miscellaneous refuse and ashes from private residences in the city of Washington and the more densely populated suburbs; for collecting and disposing of dead animals and night soil in the District of · Columbia, and for thepayment of necessary inspection and incidental expenses, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. ,P¤rki¤g commis- on 1*1-1E ranxme commission: For contingent expenses, including sm"' laborers, cart hire, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, planting and care of trees on city and suburban streets, whitewashing, care of parks, and miscellaneous items, twenty-five thousand dollars.