Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/897

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 670, 1901. 845 four hundred and ninety-eight of the Revised Statutes of the United ,0},*5 S-· °°°· 5*****% P- States: Provided jiw·ther, That all moneys collected on account of Péyment for mo¤· deductions made from the pay of any officer or enlisted man of the $K§,§°'L$°'§‘;d§§¤§§g National Guard of the District of Columbia on account of Government LQQPLQQ; ‘;gg'€m¤*°¤* pyroperty lost or destroyed bysuch individual shall be repaid into the` nited States Treasury to the credit of the officer of the militia of the District of Columbia who is accountable to the United States Government for such lproperty lost or destrolyed: Andprovided_fu¢the1·, That gggggimggg '*°l*‘-****8 all moneys co ected on account of eductions made from the pay of ' any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia for or on account of any violation of the regulations governing said National Guard shall be held by the commanding general of the militia of the District of Columbia, who is authorized to expend such moneys so collected for general incidental expenses of the service; and for all moneys so collected and expended the commanding general shall make an accounting in like manner as for the appropriation disbursed, for pay of troops. For general incidental expenses of _ the service, three hundred dollars. WVATER DEPARTMENT. Wmr ¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤¤t- The followin sums are hereb appropriated to carr on the o era- APP’°P'm?°¤¤ Par tions lof the wa%er department, Bio bg pgid wholly frog its revegues, gig;. from its revename rz . · Fm; revenue and inspection branch: For water registrar, who shall mkgggggganzgd i¤‘ also perform the duties of chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred . ' dollars; two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; chief inspector, nine hundred and thirty-six dollars; eight inspectors, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger; six hundred dollars; For istribution branch: For superintendent, two thousand seven Di¤¤ib¤¢i<>¤¤r¤¤<=1¤ hundred and fifty dollars; draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; timekeeper, nine hundred dollars; assistant foreman, nine hundred dollars; tapper and machinist, nine hundred dollars; three steam en 'neers, at one thousand one hundred dollars f " . each; driver, four huneiled and eighty dollars; hostler, four hundred and eighty dollars; calker, seven undred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars. ‘ For contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, for- C<>¤¤¤s¢¤¤¢xv¢¤¤¤¤- age, advertising, printing, and other necessary items and services, two thousand live' hundred dollars. For necessary labo1·, clerk hire, material, and so forth, for introducing the card system for water-main tgx accounts, to be immediately available, two thousand five hundred do lars. . For fuel, repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumpling stations, pipe F¤¤]· ewdistribution to high and low service, material for hig and low service, including public hydrants and fire plugs, and labor in repairing, replacing, raising, and lowering mains, laying new mains and connections, and erecting and repairing fire plugs and public hydrants, ninety thousand dollars. · The appropriation of five thousand dollars made in the District of ryggggrmrgetew for Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and P Am,p,51§°°°s' one, for the purchase of water meters, to be placed in such private residences as desired, and installed at the expense of the property , owner, said meters at all times to remain and e the propert of the water department, is hereby made available for and continued, during a,;}gP”P“°“°““'°**‘ the fiscal year ninteen hundred and two. ` For interest and sinking fund on water-stock bonds, six thousand fu§},**"°‘*“°d”i“k*”$ and twenty-two dollars. `