Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/918

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866 FIFTY—SlXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 676. 1901. shall be established in conformity with law on the line of any railroad which shall be constructed or be in process of construction in or through either of said nations rior to the allotment of the lands Ehereinéanfll ttgiis irrespictfyg of tihe popuptiion of suah gowngite ag tlge 1me. uc wnsites s a e surve e , ai out an atte an the _ lands therein disposed of for the bdrneiit of the’tribepin the manner {,'{};},;;‘g,m,,_m for herein prescribe for other townsites: Provided fwrthe1·, That whenoccupanfs improve- ever any tract of land shall be set aside as herein provided which is m°°°s‘ occupied by ·a member of the tribe, such occupant shall be fully compensated for his improvements thereon under such rules and regulaggggih, of me In_ tions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior: Promded, mm may appoipt That hereafter the Secretary of the Interior may, whenever the chief

${,},"e‘Q‘§},"‘},f{§,'},‘em}§’g executive or principal cpief of said nation fpiils or refuses to appognt a

chiefof n¤ti¤¤.<=t¤- townsite commissioner or an town or to an vacancv cause b the neglect or refusal of the tbdwnsite commissionlir appointed by thi; plhieg executive or principal chief of saidfi rfatgon to qualgy or act,din is iscretiorr a o1nt a commissioner to l the vacauc t us create .’ fnigm ot (ECCUPEPIS _ 11. Any perggn in rightful possession of any tdTwn lot_ having §’,,.,,,..,3f"}0 ,,°§$.;h,§§’§Q lrnprovements thereon, other than temporary buildings, fencing, an ew. tdlage, shall have the right to urchase such lot by paying one-half of the appraised value thereof, ibut if he shall fail within sixt days to purchase such lot and make the first payment thereon, as herein pgovlideld, ther.) 13:; and irpprgvements sihakl be sold at public auction to ' the ig est i er, un er irection o the appraisement commission, at a pgice notldess than their appraised vplupl, and the purchaspr sh?] pay the (pure ase price to the owner 0 the improvements, ess t- e

 appraise value of the lot.

.¤rwnue¤ee, em. 12. Any person having the right of occupancy of a residence or business lot or both in any town, whether improved or not, and owning no other lot or land therein, shall have `the right to purchase such lot by paying one-half of the appraised value thereof. neaueueumriauds 13. Any person holding lan s within a town occupied by him as a md "s “ h°““" hom? alsp any person who had atlth? iiiing c;f signing this agreerineng urc asc any ot, tract, or parce 0 an rom any erson in ega lpossession at the time, shall have the right to purchase the lot embraced in same by (paying one-half of the appraised value thereof, not, how-

 *°"¥{’$ i“gf‘2“" ”€ · ti. · ts tt th 4.

Sale of uns ecfiled OWI1 0 SHO _ 3»V1Il 6I'GOIl lm TOVBIIIGH O GP 3H Bm- “’“mP’°"°" "§l“· pm-aryhbuildingg, fencing, ah§ tigage, theiggli or dpépsition gi whgch 1S not erein otherwise s eci ca y provie or, s a be so wit in twelve months after theirpappraisement, under direction of the Secretary of the Interior, after ue advertisement, at {public auction to the highest bidder at not less than their appraised va ue. rresemee mgm or Any person having the right of occupancy of lands in any town §}“f,‘§§°lQ{’d°§§§‘*i$,‘§§ which has been or may be lai out into town ots, to be sold at public ¤>W¤¤¤¢¤· auction as above, shall have the right to purchase one-fourth of all the lots into which- such lands may have been divided at two-thirds of their appraised value; _ _ ‘ _ , Payment for sm- 15. hen the appraisement of any town lot is made, upon wh1ch P""'°d ‘°**· €“’· any person has improvements as aforesaid, sa1d appraisement commission shall notify him of the amount of said appraisement, and he shall, within sixty days thereafter, make pa ment of ten per centum of the amount due for the lot as herein provided and four months thereafter 5 9 he shall pay fifteen per centum additional, and the remainder of the purchase money in t ree equal annual installments, without interest.

  1. -forunimproved lots. Ally `PBITSOD WhO may Pl1I`Gh8»SB RR unimproved lOl} shall proceed to

make payment for same in such time and manner as herein provided for the ayment of sums due on improved lots, and if in any case any amountlhe not paid when due, it shall thereafter bear interest at the 1ate of ten per centum per annum until paid. The purchaser may in any case at any time make full payment for any town lot.