Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/927

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 677. 1901. 875 Army Ordnance Bureau on ordnance construction, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars._ For repairs. of railroad tracks connecting the proving ground with ,,§,$gf{,§cf’* ‘““'"“" the Central Railroad of New Jersey, four thousand dollars. ` For concrete traverse on two sides of the- service magazine, eight hundred and thirty-seven dollars. For gun skids for parking new guns and those proved, three thousand two hundred do lars. For observation platforms on traverses, and steps leading thereto, six hundred dollars. · For clay soil covering between the gun platforms and armor plate backings, one thousand one hundred and thirty dollars. For ash covering in the gun park and railroad yard, one thousand ' one hundred dollars. g For electric power for operating gantry crane used for heavy weights and for operating experimental carriages using electrical motors, fifteen thousand dollars. · For building for electrical plant, includin foundation for batteries, B¤ildi¤8¤· and so forth, two thousand five hundred dollars. d Spr erecting and-A equipping a chemical laboratory, fifteen thousand o rs. wxrmnvnrrrr Ansiann., wnsr mor, New Yom:. “'°*°"“°*·*”°“°‘- For completing repairs and alterations on gun shops, including new cornice, ten thousan dollars. For gallery drive, twelve thousand dollars. Bonnb or ORDNANCE AN]? FORTIFICATION. m%¤g{g_¤<gm0ég;a¤ce _ To enable the board to make all needful and proper purchases, P“'°h”°°· experiments, and tests to ascertain, with a view to their uti ization by the Government, the most effective guns., small arms, cartridges, projectiles, fuses, explosives, torpedoes, armorplates, and otherinliplements and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be man actured, under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor plates, and other war material as may, in the judglment of the board, e necessary in the égoper discharge of the duty evolved ugon it by the Act alpproved lptember twenty-second, eighteen hun red and V°‘·25#P·"8°· eighty-cig t; to (pa%`t e salary of the civilian member of the Board °“"“°¤ m°m‘°°’· of Ordnance an ortiication dprovided- by the Act of February Vol. 26. p. 769. twenty-fourth, eighteen hundre and ninety-one, and for the necessary traveling expenses of said member when traveling on duty as contemplate in said Act; for the payment of the necessary expenses Expenses of the board, including a per diem allowance to each officer detailed to serve thereon, when emgloijéed on dut away from his permanent · station, of two dollars an fi cents a dlly; and for the test of experimental guns, carriages, and other devicesltprocured in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of O nance and Fortification one hundred thousand dollars, the exgenditure of which shall be made by the several Bureaus of the War epartment heretofore having jurisdiction of the same, or by the Board itself, as the Secretary of War ma direct, and one additional member shall be added to the said Board of Ordnance and Fortiication, who shall be an artillery omcer of technical abilitryhandexperience, to beselected by the Secretary of War: Provided, at before any money shall be expended in the construc- {,'v?*,fg°,0·m,uven_ tion or test of any gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements um. under the supervision of the said board, the board shall be satisied, after due inquiry, that the Government of the United States `has a lawful right to use the inventions involved in the construction of such gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements, or that the construc-