Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/936

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884 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 802. 1901. SALARIEB or sncmmnaras or EMBASSIES AND LEGATIONS. S"’°‘°‘“"‘°“ °‘ °“" Secretaries of embassies to Great Britain France German Ital bassies and 1 do 1 1 1 ye em m` Mexico, and-Russia, at two thousand six hundred and twentygfive dollars each, fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; Secretaries of legations to China and Jalpan, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, five thousand two hundred and iift&(;lollars; . ` d ua retary of legation and consul-general to Colombia, two thousand o rs; . , Secretary of legation and consul-general to Stockholm, one thousand tive hundred dollars; Secretagy of le-lgation to Guatemala and Honduras, one thousand ei%l;t hun ed dollars; cretary of legation to Roumania, Servia, and Greece,with residence at Athens, one thousand eight hundred dollars· n Secretaries of legations Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador, and to Chile, one thousand eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars; _ A . Secretaries of legations to Netherlands, Turkey}, Austria, Spain, and girazil, at one thousand eight hundred dollars eac , nine thousand dollars; Secretaries of leglations to Argentine Republic, Venezuela, and Peru, at one thousand eig t hundred ollars each Liberia, and Korea,. at one ghqliasand five hundred dollars each, eight thousand four hundred 0 rs; S°°°“° “°°”“‘“°’· Second secretaries of embassies to Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Russia, at two thousand dollars -each, twelve thousand dollars; . Second secretaries of legations to Japan and China, who shall be American students of the language of the court and country to which they are appointed, respectively, and shall be allowed and required. un er the rection of the Secretary of State to devote their t1me to the acquisition of such language, at one thousand. eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars; · " . · Second secretary of legation at Constantinople, Turkey, who shall be an American student o. the language of Turkey, and shall_ be allowed and required, under the direction of the Secretarvof State, to devote digs time to the acquisition of such élanguage, one thousand six hundred 'm"“°°”""°°· Third secretaries of embassies to Great Britain, France, Mexico, and Germany, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, four thousand eiggit hundred dollars; · — otal, seventy-one thousand one hundred dollars. snsmas or mmnrxmmxs ro LEGATIONS. I“'°'P'°°°“· Chinese secreta . , legation to China, and interpreter to legation to Turkey, at three ayousand dollars each, six thousand dollars; Interpreter to=legation to Japan, two thousand five hundred dollars; d Ilzgzrpreter to legation and consulate-general to Persia, one thousand o ; . d Ilrlterpreter to legation and consulate-general to Korea, Eve hundred o rs; _, Inter(preter to legation and consulate-general to Bangkok, Siam, live hundre dollars; . ot wm mm 'lléotal, ten thousland five lilundiieid dogars. b d d ··¤ . W °° ut no rson iawin the sa ry o inter reter as a ove rovi e zgcrglmmforoum shall be alldwed any pargof the salary approgriated for any gecretary of legation or other oiHcer.