Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/969

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 804. 1901. 917 Photographic material for enlarging room and general photographic work, two hundred and fifty dollars; For slides and apparatus for lectures, fifty dollars; For books and periodicals on art, architecture, and technology, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; _ Frames for retained drawings of cadets and wall models, fifty dollars; For binding periodicals, loose sheets of maps, books, and so forth, iiftv dollars; · For forty-two new drawing desks for use of cadets, at ten dollars and fifteen cents each, four hundred and twenty-six dollars and thirty cents; ~ For fifty new stools for use of cadets at seventy-five cents each thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents; l , For twenty-one new reconnoissance sketching boards, at five dollars each, one hundred and five dollars; For forty new sketching rulers, celluloid and brass, with scale, forty dollars; For twenty-five new stretcher boards, large size, at two dollars and fiftigy cents Eachd, sgcty-Ewa dollars and fiftiy cents; or one un re an t irty new stretc er boards small size at one dollar angfseventy-five cents each, two hundred and? twenty-sewlen dollars an ty cents· ‘ _ For eighty}-six new open stretcher frames, medium, at fifty cents each, forty-t ree dollars; For twenty-four new open, stretcher frames, large, at seventy-five cents each, sixteen dollars; · . For twenty-fonr new open stretcher frames, medium, at seventy- five cents each, sixteen dollars; lJLorsizg:y-iipiip steel triangles, at one dollar and twenty-five cents eac eig ty dollars· - Fdr thirty-six steel straightedges, at three dollars each, one hundred and eight dollars; _ _ §<§L)dle;par§me;1t of mpdern lapguages: Forfstationery, Eext-books, e,§'§§§,g§“,;'g:m°*m°d‘ an o s o re erence or use o instructors or repairs o books and apgakratus and for officeffurngtuig, acpd fgrhpEri1iting plppamination papers, an or contingencies our un re an teen o rs· For department of law and history: For stationery, text-books, and mf,°§$S',§§)${“° "‘ l"' books of reference for the use of instructors, maps, map fixtures, furniiiure, and fpr relpairs to the slzgme, four hundre dollar? `or cost o exc anging one ensmore typewriter eig ty dollars, to be immediately available; , For department of practical military engineering: For purchase and ,,£§P°gg}g’j}9‘g;;9j repair of instruments; transportation; purchase of tools, implements, nearing. and materials, and for extra-duty pay of engineer soldiers, as follows, namely: 1* or instruments for use in instructing cadets in making recongoissances; photographicdapparatus gud material for field photography; rawin instruments an material or platting reconno1ssances· survgyingdgstruments; instruments gud material lfor siignaling and fielld te egrap y· trans ortation of iiel arties; too s an material for the preservatidn, aughhentation, and rdpair of wooden pontoon, and one canéras pontoon tpaiin; safppingd gud miningdtools an material; rope; cor age; materia or ra ts an or spar an trestle bridges; intrench— ing tools· tools and material for the repair of Fort Clinton and the batteries lof the Academy, and extra-duty pay of engineer soldiers, at fifty cents per day each, when performing special s illed mechanical labor in the department of practical military engineering; for models, books of reference, and stationery, and for extra pay of one engineer soldier as assistant in photographic laboratory, and in charge o pho-