Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/986

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934 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 805. 1901. D*"*$i°“ °‘S'*"i*‘i°"- D1v1s1oN or STATISTICS, SALARIES: One statistician, who shall be chief of division, three thousand dollars; one assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of division, two thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks class three, four thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks class two, seven thousand dollars; five clerks class one, six thousand dollars; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each, eight thousand dollars; four clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. m§§lQ$%ggcSf*g’i°“l· GENERAL EXPENSES, D1v1s1oN or STATISTICS: Collecting domestic and foreign agricultural statistics; compiling, writing, and illustrating statistical matter for monthly, annual, and special reports; special investigations and compilations; subscription to, and purchase of, statistical and newspaper publications containing data for permanent comparative records; maps and charts; stationery supplies, blanks, blank books, circulars, paper, envelopes, postal cards, postage stamps, freight and 1-.-mzsasl express charges, and necessary traveling expenses: Provided, That the p,§{‘§l"h]’ mp "` monthly crop report issued on the tenth day of each month shall embrace ' a statement of the condition of the crops, by States, in the United States, with such explanations, comparisons, and information as may be useful for illustrating the above matter. and that it shall be submitted to, and oihcially approved by, the Secretary of Agriculture before being issued _E¤¤¤;¤di¤s¤qm¤¤dS or published: Provided, cdso, That fifteen thousand dollars of the ot foreign markets. . . amount hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture may deemnecessary, may be expended in continuing the investigations concerning the feasibility of extending the demands of foreign markets for the agricultural products of the United States, and to secure, as far as may be, a change in the methods of supplyincg farm products to foreign countries, one hundred and twenty thousand ollars, of which sum not more than sixty-three thousand dollars shall be expended for salaries in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, of which sum three thousand dollars shall be immediately available. Total for Division of Statistics, -one hundred and flfty-six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

 LIBRARY, SALARIES: One librarian, one thousand eight hundred dol-

” lars; one assistant librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk (who shall be a‘ translator), one thousand two hundred dollars; one cataloguer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one cataloguer, one thousand dollars; two clerks, eight hundred and forty dollars each, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, nine thousand dollars. T EXP*=¤¤®S· GENERAL EXPENSES Fon DEPARTMENT LIBRARY! Purchase of technical books of reference, technical papers, and technical periodicals necessary for the work of the Department, and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, and for library fixtures, shelving, library cards, and other material, seven thousand dollars. d gl{otal for library, Department of Agriculture, sixteen thousand o ars. · M“S°“m· MUSEUBIZ One care taker, one thousand dollars; for labor in cleaning and caring for building, one charwoman, at five hundred and forty dollars; three charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, two thousand two hundred and _ sixty dollars. - C<>¤ti¤s<¤¤¢<¤¤1¤¤¤S¢¤- CoNT1Ne.ENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE! Purchase of stationery, blank books, necessary scientific and other publications, twine, paper, gum, dry goods, soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, fuel, water and gas piples, heating apparatus, furniture, carpets, matting; for lights, freig t, express c arges, advertising, telegraphing, washing towels, and necessary