Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1039

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974 FIFTY-SEVENTH conomcss. sm. 11. cu. 992. 1909. of tvphoid fever occurring in the District of Columbia to be reported to the health department of said District, approved February fourth, nineteen hundred and two, under the direction of the health officer of said District, including purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wa ons, and harness,.twenty-five thousand dollars. D***”‘°°“”¥’*°"’*°°· Igor maintaining the disinfecting service, including purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, five thousand dollars. {?§}l"2*;¥,‘j_‘{{,,§f"·"· For emergency fund for the enforcement of the provisions of section ' four of an Act to provide for the drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six., two thousand five hundred dollars. F°°d ""““‘i"'““°““· For special services in connection with the detection of the adulgeration of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, one hundred ollars; mf;1°°d· °‘°·» ’—‘“P*’°‘ For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to v61.28,p.v09. regulate the sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five; V°l- °’°· P- 2*6- an Act relating to the adulteration of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and "°’· “°· P- 3**8- ninety-eight, and) an Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the District of Columbia, approved May fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for the maintenance of a chemical laboratory, one thousand dollars; ’·m**¤¤P°°“°“· For the necessary traveling ex nses of sanitary and food inspectors while traveling outside of the District of Columbia for the pur ose of inspecting dairyfarms, milk, and other dairy products, one thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; mQ:“’°~“‘*“° "““"‘ For the erection, completion, and erjluipment of quarantine build- _ _ in€ on the Wuhinlgygn Asylum groun s, fifteen thousand dollars. h°‘;j§§,’gf¤ "”"’ ’” .nzr·m1.1> Aim vrnmron nosrrmrsz For isolating wards for minor contagious diseases at Garfield and Providence hospitals, maintenance, each, four thousand dollars; in all, eight thousand dollars, or ’ so much thereof as may be necessary. V Cem- COURTS. poijgfgm of °PP°"·l“ W For amount reqluired to pay the reporter of the court of appeals of " the District of Co umbia for volumes of the reports of the opinions of V"]- 31- P- 1*2**- said court, authorized to be furnished by him under section two hundred and twenty-nine of the code of law for the District of Columbia as amended July first, nineteen hundred and two, twenty-two volumes, _ at five dollars each, one hundred and ten dollars.

  • ""‘“" “"““· Fon Tun romcn comers For two jud es, at three thousand dollars

· each; clerk, two thousand dollars; two the uty clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two deputy clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; de uty clerk, to be known as financial clerk, one thousand five hundred) dollars; three bailiffs, at nine hundred dollars each; delputy marshal, one thousand dollars; janitor, five hundred and forty dollars; engineer, nine hundred dollars; assistant janitors, four hundred and fift dollars; bailiif, six hundred dollars; in all, twenty- _ one thousand and ninety dollars. ”‘”°°“°"°°‘“· Mxscmmnamousz For witness fees, four thousand dollars; For repairs of police—court building, eight hundred dollars; For repairs to police-court furniture and replacing same, two hundred dollars; For meals of jurors and of bailiifs in attendance upon them when ordfered by th; court, one hundred dollars; or rent o roperty adjoinin lice·court buildin for lice court and other lpurposes, six hundred) dollars; gi po For compensation of jurors. eight thousand dollars;