Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1067

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1002 _ FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 994. 1903. conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, to erect, maintain, and operate on section twenty-nine, township two north, range eleven west, in said Territory, and within the limits of the reservation created for the Fort Sill Boarding School, a pumping station, collecting gallery, reservoir, and such other appurtenant and necessary structures and pipe lines as may be required to furnish said city wit ` a sufficient water supply. 1¤d*··¤ ¤¤h¤¤!¤- SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. S¤r>r>¤¤.¤*¤- For sup rt of Indian day and industrial schools, and for other educationalxpurposes not hereinafter provided for, one million two hundred and forty thousand dollars. nuudmga For construction, purchase, lease, and repair of school buildings, and sewerage, water supply, and lighting plants, and purchase of school sites, or additions thereto, an improvement of buildings and ‘ rounds, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; in all, one million fgour hundred and ninety thousand dollars. Arnmqusequs, N. For su rt and education of three hundred Indian pupils at Albu- 1**** querque, mw Mexico, fifty thousand one hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent of said school, one thousand seven hundred dollars; for erection of ice plant, three thousand dollars; general repairs and improvements, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, fifty-six thousand three hundred dollars. . Cl”’·‘¤l’°"“*“·S·l’“"· For the sup rt and education of two hundred Indian pupils at ‘ Chamberlain, Sbouth Dakota, thirty-three thousand four hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent of said school, one thousand six hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand two hundred dollars; for auxi iary water supply, five thousand dollars, to be immediately available; for additiona buildings and imtprovements to complete plant, sixteen thousand dollars, to be imme iately available; in all, fifty-eight thousand two hundred dollars. °¤°*°k°°· N- C- For support of one hundred and fifty pupils at the training school at Cherokee, North Carolina, twenty-five thousand and fifty dollars; for pay of superintendent of said school, one thousand five hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; for heating plant, two thousand five hundred dollars; additional for girls’ dormitory, five thousand dollars; for lighting plant, two thou— sand five hundred dollars; for additional school farm, three thousand five hundr·ed dollars; in all, forty-two thousand and fifty dollars. °“'“““*· P“· For support of Indian industrial school at Carlisle. Pennsylvania, for transportation of pupils to and from said school, and for general repairs and improvements, one hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars; for additional salary of any military officer of Carlisle Indian School while acting} as su rintendent of said school, one thousand _ dollars; in all, one undredxdnd fifty-eight thousand dollars. °“”"" °”*`· °‘"· For support and education of three hundred Indian upils at the Indian so ool at Carson Cit *, Nevada, fifty thousand one hundred dollars: for pay of superintendlent at said school, one thousand seven hundred dollars; for general repairs and im rovements, four thousand dollars; for- steam heating plant, seven thousand dollars; for water system, including purchase of land to secure water rights, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, seventy-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. °’“‘°"°“’·°*‘“· For- support of six hundred Indian pu ils at gre Indian school at Chilocco, Oklahoma Territory, one hunclied thousand two hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; for general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars; for addition to boys’ dormitory, twelve thousand dollars; for horse barn, ten thousanddollars; for laundry building, tive thousand dollars; for cottages, four thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.