Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1079

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1014 rirrrssvnnrri concnnss. sm. 11. cu. 995. 1993. For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the philosophical de artment in care of apparatus, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and nfty cents; For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the chemical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundre and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; For extra ay of one enlisted man emplolyed in the department of drawing, at dlfty cents per day, one hundre and fifty-six dollars and fiftiy cents; or extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the mathematical de rtment, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars andufifty cents; For extra pay of two enlisted men (cavalrymen) when performing s cial skilled mechanical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hundgeed and thirteen dollars; For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as saddler, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six do lars and fifty cents; · For extra y of one enlisted man on duty in charge of engineer pro rty anflatigue, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six oldiis and fifty cents; For extra pay of four enlisted men as assistants and attendants at She library, at fifty cents each per day, six hundred, and eighty-four o lars; For extra pay of one enlisted man as clerk in the department of practical military engineering and to the officer in charge of waterworks and works of construction at the Military Academy, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; For extra pay of three enlisted men as clerks in the office of the quartermaster United States Military Academ , at fifty cents each per day, four hundred and sixt -nine dollars andlfifty cents; For extra pay of two enlisted, men (artillerymen), when performing extra mechanical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and thirteen dollars; For extra pay of two enlisted men as messengers in the office of the adjutant, United States Military Academy, at thirty-five cents per day, two hundred and nineteen dollars and ten cents; In all, for pay of Military Academy Band Held musicians, general army service, cavalry detachment, artillery detachment, enlisted men on detached service, and extra pay of enlisted men on special dutv at the Military Academy, ninety-two thousand eight hundred and eighty- Pr foigrdoléag apld foigsy-two cents; d d h cd °*“°· r 0m` e , at the extra ay provide b the rec in ra ra hs N0 dupucmm shall not be paid to any enlisted man whb recgives extrgldutgy gay under existing laws or army regulations. PAY or crvrmxus. c,;‘·k>;g{c¤ivi1i¤¤¤· For pay of one teacher of music, one thousand four hundred dollars; ’For clerk to the disbursing officer and quartermaster, one thousand . five hundred dollars; For clerk to adj utant in charge of cadet records, one thousand five hundred dollars; For one clerk to the adjutant, one thousand two hundred dollars; For clerk to treasurer, one thousand five hundred dollars; hFor one clerk to the quartermaster, one thousand two hundred dolrs; For pay of one librarian, two thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of librarian’s assistant, one thousand dollars; For pay of one superintendent of gas works, one thousand five hun— dred dollars;