Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1134

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FIETYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1006. 1903. 1069 of said copy by the Public Printer and on his approval one thousand h dollars or so much thereof as is necessary: LIBRARY or ooNem=;ss. L“"‘"Y°“’°¤¥’°¤¤- For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous supplies, electric and G°“°'“'°‘*‘°“‘°’· steam apparatus, reference books, stationery, and all incidental expenses in connection with the custody, care, and maintenance of said building and grounds, ten thousand dollars. BOTANIC GARDEN. Botanic Garden. For fuel and labor, one thousand five hundred dollars. Fuel ¤¤¤1 Mor. Punmc r1uN·rrNo AND BINDING. I ,),,*2,*}*,}}; priming md For the public printing for the public bindin and for per for hmm *°¤' °°¤· the public printing, including the costs of printgng the debidtes and ma proceedings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographing, mapping, and engraving or both Houses of Congress, the ‘ upreme Court of the United States, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, the Library of Congress, the Executive Office, and the departments, including salaries or compensation of all necessary clerks and employees, for labor (by the day, piece, or · contract), for rents, not excee ing fifty dollars for technical . ooks of reference, and for all the necessary materials which may be needed in the prosecution of the work, two hundred thousand dollars. To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the I·°"°°°° *·· law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the employees of the Government Printing Office, seventydive thousand ollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. d Printing and binding for the Treasury Department, thirty thousand m'f;§‘°°“¤’ I’°P°'*· ollars. ` Printing and binding for the War Department and its bureaus, Wurbepsrrmenc. thirty thousand dollars. Printing and binding for the Navy Department, sixteen thousand Navy Deparrmenc. do lars. For printing and binding for the Interior Department. including ,1,;,*;:***0* ¥’·=v¤¤· the Civil Service Commission, ninety-seven thousand dollars. ` For parinting and binding for the ost—Office Department, exclusive m;¥f*·"*"°° ”°P¤**· of the i oney-Order Office, fifty thousand dollars. ` For printing and binding for the Library of Congress, including 1.i¤¤.q¤ic°¤gm¤. the copyright department, and the binding, rebinding, and repairing of library ooks, five thousand dollars. To pay Samuel Robinson, William Madden, and Joseph De Fontes mgwnsen. Mehr as messen ers on night duty during the second session of the present °°` Congress §or extra services, one hundred and fifty dollars each; in all, four hundred and fifty dollars. SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION. uf·,gg¤(;{—j}¤C*¤i¤¤¤¤¤m· S1>AN1sn Tnsarr Cnsms Comnssrox: For salaries and expenses of S¤1¤ri¤¤- the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, five thousand dollars; and said Commission is authorized to pay to additional commissioners to take testimony in Cuba, for occasional services in special cases. not exceed- 'M¤¤¤<>¤¥ in Cubsing eight dollars per day, in lieu of fees during the time of actual _ service. To pay the award made by the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission P¤¤¤¤¤* Of ¤W·¤¤· under the provisions of the Act of March second, nineteen hundred V°f31'p`m` and one, certitied to Congress in Document Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight of the present session, three thousand dollars.