Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1184

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FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. OH. 1007. 1903. 1 1 19 The Secretary of the Interior may authorize such e nditure as R°"° °*°*!*°°·*°¤*¤· may be necessary, not exceeding one thousand live huridiilzd dollars, mmm mmm for rent of office accommodations in the city of Washington for the reclamation service, established by Act approved June seventeenth, A""-?-388- nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands. " That the Secretary of the Interior ma authorize the purchase of- ’·““' *’°°“·°*°- such law books, books of reference, periodicals, engineering and statistical publications as are needed in carrying out the surveys and examlnations authorized by the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred —*""· P- 388- and two, entitled "An Act appropriatin the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories for the ‘ construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands," and such expenditures shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. mscnLLANnoUs omncrs, DEPARTMENT or Tun INTERIOR. 1¤¤·=¤11¤¤<=<>¤¤- Ormcn or Connnssrouna or RAILROADSI For Commissioner, four m§;}j‘§§‘**°“°’ °‘ thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one S¤¤¤¤¤~ assistant messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, six ' thousand two hundred and twenty dollars: Hmrided, That the office mnutiou of of Commissioner of Railroads is hereby continued until the thirtieth Mice. day of June, nineteen hundred and four, when the same shall terminate, and the duties of the Commissioner shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Interior together with the records and files of the office. Hor Srmxes RESERVATION, ARKANSAS: For rotection and improve- Hrwslgippetgrkment, as follows: For extension of West Mlduntain road, eighteen ’ ' thousand dollars; construction of storage reservoir for hot water, eleven thousand five hundred dollars; repairs to walks and footpaths, one thousand dollars; in all, thirty thousand five hundred dollars. Ym.LowsT0N1: NATIONAL PARK: For the administration and rotec- Y°“°"**°¤° ’"*- tion of the Yellowstone National Park, to be ex nded by anci) under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, indlhding two thousand five hundred dollars for maintenance of buffalo, seven thousand tive hundred dollars. Yosnmrru NAHONAL PARK: For protection and im rovement of the Y°••>¤=i¤¤ *’•¤k· Yosemite National Park, and the construction of bridges, fencing, and trails, and improvement of roads, other than toll roads, to be expended super the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, six thousand o lars. . SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK: For the protection and improvement of MMM PM- the Sequoia National Park and the construction and repair of bridges, fences, and trails, and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interio1·, ten thousand dollars, to be immediately available. GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improve- G¤¤¤¤¤G¤¤¤P¤¤k· ment of the General Grant National Park, construction of fences and trails, and repairinrr and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand dollars. CRATEB LAKE NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improvement °“**°' L*"° *""k· of the Crater Lake National Park, and repairing and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand dollars. TVIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK: For the management, improvement, *****1 C¤*¤ P¤*- and protection of the Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, to be expended under the su rvision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand five hundred dlillars. — _ _ _ _ SUPREME Comrr Rnroms: To pay the publishers of the decisions P°§j'°”*“ °°“” ’°* of the Supreme Court for one hundred and four copies each of vol-