Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1193

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1128 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1007. 1903. Cggggggri Rm' UNDER mE Mrssrssrrrr RIVER commission. F¤>¤H°¤d°*P°·*?°=* Im rovin Mississi iRiver: For continuin im rovement of Mismiixiaixglsgsltbe Ohm sissippi Rivir from dgad of Passes to the moith dlf the Ohio River, including salaries and clerical, ofliee, traveling, and miscellaneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission, two million dollars. National cemeteries. NATIONAL CEMETERIES. Maintenance. For: NATIONAL cEMErEmEs: For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. uf§{fo,‘f’“,§Qf"" R°" For the improvement and repair of the military cemetery on the Ante,pl466. Fort Crawford Reservation at rairie du Chien, Wisconsin, and for the purpose of purchasin a suitable approach to said cemetery, the sum of three thousand <§>llars heretofore appropriated is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.` S“*’°"““’“"°“‘“· Fora SUPERINTENDENTS or NATIONAL cEMErEa1Es: For pay of seventy-tive superintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. d,§’,§?$‘;§“ ‘°’ ‘°" UJEADSTONES Fon GRAVES or soLDrEres: For continuing the work of furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of Union soldiers, sailors and marines in national post, city, town, and village cemeteries, naval cemeteries atnav -yards and stations of the United States, and other burial places, undyer the Acts of March third, eighteen hundred and , seventv-three, and February third, eighteen hundred and seventy- ` nine, fifty thousand dollars. “°°°‘“'“’“· REPAIRWG ROADWAYS ro 1~:A·rroNAL cEmErE1z1Es: For repairs to Pmm roadways to national cemeteries which have been constructed by rzuuménmenu by special authority of Congress: Provided, That no railroad shall be ’““"°“"“ '°""'“°"· permitted upon the right of wa which may have been acquired by the United States to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United Bmw I i dig t States, fifteen thousand dollars. wmsmf ° ° °° BURIAL or rNDreENr sornrmzsz For expenses of burying in the Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indi ent ex-Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the late civil war who £e in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding forty-five dollars for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, three thou- Rmd to hmm sand dollars. csi. °’ ROAD ro NATIONAL CEMETERY, PRESIDIO or SAN FRANCISCO, CAL- 1r·o1zNrA: For continuation of stone wall on the boundary line of the gesprvation of the Presidio of San Francisco, California, five thousand 0 ars. ,,,,‘§,'l§§’ff“'“ °’"""' ANHETAM BA*rrLEFrELD: For repair and preservation of monuments, tablets, observation tower, roads, and fences, and so forth, made and , constructed by the United States upon public land within the limits of the Antietam battlefield, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, three thou- , sand dollars. S"p°“‘“°“d°"“ For pay of superintendent of Antietam battlefield, said superintendent to perform his duties under the direction of the Quartermaster’s De artment and to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of WVar, at his discretion, the person selectedxiind appointed to this position to be an honorably discharged Union soldier, one thousand _ ve hundred dollars. m§',Qf§f§§, f§,‘§§df‘* BBINGING HOME THE REMAINS OF OFFICERS AM SOLDIERS WH0 DIE ABROAD: To enable the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to cause