Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1316

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INDEX. XIX Bush, Philip, Wgé- C'al{fm·nia—C0ntinuod. P¤8¤- ' payment of Court of Claims judgment to deficiency appropriation for volunteers. 30, 1073 administrator of .. 210 grant to, in lieu of lands occupied by Mis- Butler, James J., sion Indians .. - ... 822 deficiency appropriation for contested-elem public land receipts in, to be used for irri- B giou expenses, . 582, 1067 gation . H és; .51 ,. 388 mln, a., msurvey 0 lan ; in `ego Coun -.. 728 deficiency appropriation for public build- Gxlifornia Débria Omnmiuion, ty ing site . . . : Z . ._ . _ .. 1 039 appropriation for eizpgnses ... 467, 1132 purchqna of public bmlding site author- dp ciqn? appropriation for . 29 _ - - x7é';'; - ... - - - IK C{d'gfor‘n1a gun Lslurbances, Butler, , an _ pensions survivors, etc., of 399 payment of _Fn¤ch spoliation claim to California Sta1ePriaop, _ _

dI1;ii Ld survnving partner . 224 de6c1er1é
¥1sppropr1ation fordqlothmg, etc., 1054

Bruner, . . . ., avy nsoncrs on ischarge payment tp _,...,,,,.,,... . . 487 Cbll, Samuel J., P l Burner, James HZ, . gold medal of honor to, relief of Arctic payment to . 487 whaling fleet ..,,,..., 492 BW' MW" 1 bbc umm 1084 0MM' Pmé! rm- nsul a rotion or u' ing a pmprin 'cu 00 at . 81,813 r lingit om incmfsed, public building. -. 312 Onlsnan and , Joaoph, Butter, ptymmt of Ofspolmtion claim to ad-

 ctc., msdnzubycci i20S11m, ctc., muh ‘ r surviving' partner ..- 226

lavis .. . . . 193 Oxlooaalaatchee River. Flu., definition of, and imitdion: . . ... 194 appropriation for improvement of 353 Buuerim (ueSaht¢;0 na), 193 Ouluma, to I h k mb;] to ts , ., ws ... approprm on r ig t station, aspen-'; · dwelling . 431 ' _ C. _ for improvement of harbor . 463, 1125 _ Gable, Submanne, light-house kwpffs dwelling authorized . 107 appropriation for military, to Alaska from modification of reakwatem authorized . . 343 Seattle, Wah 929 Calumet River, Cache River, Ark., bridge authorized across, at Cummings, appmgrigtion for improvement of ... 357 Ill ,,_,.__, _ ______ 660 Cadcts,_ nhmry, _ _ at Hammond, Ind 060 a pomtment from Porto Rico, authorized. 1011 Calumet Rwcr, Ill. and Ind., _ Czugta, Naval (ace Midshipmen). appropriation for improvement of 363 Cadiz, Spain, Calumet, Wis., appropriation for consul at . , . . . 84, 816 _ appropriation for dredging harbor 362 Cairo, F Calm, Arturo R., appropriation for agent and consul-general may receive instruction at West Point 747 at . . 76, 808 Cumbria Iron Company, mhformrk hire 86, 818 claim agents for, referred to Court of Ls, nce, aims; ment . .., 764 nppmpriation for consul at . 83, 815 Cambridge, Md., pay Gdau, e., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 336 purchanoauthoriud of public building site 320 _C'am en, Me., appropriation for . ._ ... : _. . . 429 appropriation for improvement of hm-bm-, 331 de cwncy appropriation for public bmld- Cmnmm, John J., · ing site .. 1038 daficicncyupjumprlation for-puymemm. 582, 1068 limit of cost increased, sim for public Gump Chase, ( rio, building ..: .. 1207 appropriation for wall, Coniedemm ceme- Calcaricu River, La., tory . 464 appropriation for improvement of mouth I (hmpbell, A., and passes ... 340 I payment to . 486 Chlrulla, India, Campbell, .I. FK, · ' appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 payment to .,,__ _ ______ 530 or clerk hire 86,818 Campbell, Emma E, Caldwell, Hamlin, _ _ paymeutfo .. . ..., .___ 491 payment of Court ofCla1ms judgment to Q Campbell, James, administrator of .. 208 • payment of Court of Claims judgment to Caldwell. John · , administrator of ...,,.,__ _ 207 payment of, French spoliation claim to , Campbell, Jnmez JL, _ vadministrutor of .. 231payment of Court of Claims judgment to Cal y, . a ,f emato of .,,,_,__,_ _ ______ 207 pgymen?/of Court of Claims judgment to i Campbell, hnzes T, C U egnecixtorkof ... 214 paymens of Courgo of Claims judgment to a mum, re erm . { a miuistm r o ..._.,,________ ___ 907 payment ol Court ol Claims judgment to . 208 , Campbell, .L»:·eph D., Palhmm, .Stmdy, _ _ g payment of C0urt of Claims judgment to _ 207 payment of Court of Claims gudgment to . 208 Campbell, White B., California, payment of Court of Claims judgment to _ 207 appropriation for surveyor—general, clerks, 4 Campbell', William IC, etc I t.. 162, 898 J payment of Court ofC1aims judgment to for purchasing land for Mission I ndmns. 257 . adxninistmmr of ..._,,____________ 9].; forincidentalaxpeuscslndianservicein. 257,993 I (hmpbell, S. II'., . for restraining mining débris; contracts. 369 appropriation for advances, etc __________ 1000