Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1336

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INDEX. XXXIX Devils Lake Indian Reservation, AC Dak., P•8¤- Diplomatic and Ciansular Servicc·—Continued. Pen appropnauon for resurvey .. 264 appropriation for relief and protection of Devils Lake, N Dah., _ American seamen ...,... 87, 819 construction of bridge authorized 285 for foreign hospitals, Cape Town and Devils Lake Sioux Indians, N Dah., Panama _.,,,_,,_____,___________ 87, $19 ‘ appropriation for support, etc., of 256 for preparation, etc., consular reports. 87,812 Dexter, Edward, for contingent expenses, consulates . . . 88, 819 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- log by exchange ___..,,..,,..,_,., BB, 820 ministrator of .. 223, 225, 230 for Bureau of American Republiq __,, 88, 812 Diamond State Iron Company, deficiency a propriation for legation buildclaim referred to Court of Claims; pay- ing, fokyo, J span ________________ 5 ment 764 for award to Chile . , ,.,.,. 5 claim of agents for, referred to Court of for repaying Mexico La Abra and Weil Claims; yment . 764 claims ,..,.,,._,_,,,, 5 Dies, Rolls, and Pza, for unforeseen emergencies .,.. 5, 32 appropriation for crutody of, securities. 448, 1110 for chargés d’affaires ad interim .. 5,1033 Dietrich, William E, for interpreters to legations ... 6 fee-sim Ietnatents to , 1008 » for contingent expenses, minions .. 6, 32, Di17`cnderfgr‘, T H-, 587, *1032, 1074 payment to ... . 489 for contingent expense, consulates .,.. 6, 32, na er 1mm cw., _ _ $53,581500. 1083.1074 ggpmpmuoh sm- support., em., or .. 255, 992 f¤r p¤b1¤<=¢g¤¤¤f¤¤¤¤¤1¤r.<¤t<>.r¤p¤r¤. 6.1033 Dimmit County, Tun for mstractron pay, .. 31, 10;% transferred towutern judicial district 820 fg; u'h"°°·] ’°°'l °.tJ’°°···éé·55é;5éi·g§0 1074 . . ·' ’' I l ! 1>¤~>·45!·¢· W WM-, _ for im by exchange, missions ... 32,1074 de-iicwucy ¤m>¤>1>¤¤¤•>¤ fvr Mw --·---- 15 rm must, em., American mmm .. 32, · Diplomatic and Consular Service, 587, 590, 1075, 1077 aptpropriation for diplomatic serrice 76, 807 for legation and consulates, Cuba .. 552 or salaries, ambamniors and ministers. 76, 807 for estate of Solomon Hirsch .. 1032 for consul-gneral, Constantinople, and for International Union of American agent, fia .. 76 Republics . -. . 1033 for t, etc., Cairo . 76, 808 for services to American vesels 1074 for d’atfaires ad interim, etc. . - 76, 808 for interpreters to consulates .. 1014 for instruction and transit pa 76, 808 for steam launch, Constantinople .. 1075 for salaries, secretaries of embramies and adjustment of slary for minion to Persia - 1033 legations 77, 808 leave of absence exwnded, minister to for interpreters to legations .. 77, 809 Venezuela ... 1033 for stude¤tinterpreters,China; selection ; Diplomatic Officera, · and service ., 78, 809 _ appropriatron for payment to heirs of . . . 79, 811 for- clerk hire, Spain . 78, 809 or bringing home remains of, dying for contingent expenses .,... . 78, 809 K abroad . ,... 79, 811 dispatch agent ,...,... - ,,,. 78, 809 i duties of, in respect of patent applications- 1226 rinting in Department of State 78, 809 » Director of the Cemma, ros by exchange .. 78, 809 ; to furnish copies of census records to States, for steam launch, Constantinople . 78, 809 > etc .. 788 for buildings, China and Japan ... 78, B10 z Director of the Geological Survey, for improving legation grounds etc., e appropriation for, clerks, ew . 454, 1117 Japan .. . 810 1 Director egthe Mint (ace also Mints and Away for Cape Spartsl light 79, 810 ; fllccs), for life-saving testimonials ... 79, B10 3 appropriation ionexsmlnsr assayer, etc. 140, 874 for extradition expenses . 79, 810 · or reigbt on bullion and, coin ... 1-10. 875 for egpenses, neutrality act ... 79, 810 · for contingent expenses . 140, 875 for 1 oreseen emergencies ... 79,810 for examinations, etc ... 140, 875 lor- heirs of officers dyins abroad .. 79, S11 i for incidentals .. 140, 875 for widow of Alfred J. uck .. 811 forcollecting preciousmetals shtistics. 1-10, 875 for children of Thomas T. Prentis . 811 Directories, D. (L, for bringing home remains of officers - 79, 811 \ purchases to be allowed in accounts .. 582 for Bureau of Weights and Measures. . 79, 811 Daubility Pensions, · for Bureau of Customs Tariffs ..., 80, S11 i construction of former act ... 750 for Mexican Boundary Commimionn- 80,811 Disappearing Gun Chrriugea, for Bureau, Suppresion of SlaveTnde. 80, 811 tests, before adopting ... 307 for Bed Cross conference .. 80 Disbursing Qdiccrs, War Department, for International Prison Commision- - 80, 812 allowance of credits for loses, etc., war br Geodetic Association . 80, 812 with Spain ... 956 for repairs to legations and consulates` 80, 812 Dischavéyes, Army, for- permanent court of arbitration 81, 812 certi mtes to be isued in lieu of lost 629 for consular service ,...,. - ... 81, 813 effect of linal honorable discharge on pre- [0;- salaries, consuls-general ... 81, 813 I vious service . 750 couguls ____ _ _________,,,, , ,,.,____ 81, 813 ; conditions .. , 750 for consular clerks _,___,,,.. . ,_,. 85, S17 E Discharges in Bmxhupicy, pg ment to officers not citizens . 86, 818 additional grounds for refnal 797 for clerks at consulates; allowance 86, 818 obtaining property by false written state my inte myers, eu-., to consulates 86. 818 ments 797 for marshals, consular courts .. ... 87. 819 concealingfinancialcondition by destroy— for ccnmlnr prisms -.--- . S1 819 l ins books. cw -.-------- · -~-·. 797