Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/135

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FlFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 183. 1902. 69 Sec. 12. That the United States circuit and district courts for the N°"h°'° ‘““"i°‘* northern district of Texas shall be held in each year at the times and places as follows: At Dallas, in the county of Dallas, on the second Monday of Jan- Dum uary and the Erst Monday of May. At Fort Worth, in the count of Tarrant, on the first Monday of F°”W°’“¤· November and the second Mondiiy of March. At Abilene, in the county of Taylor, on the first Monday of Octo- *“’“°“°· ber and the second Monday of April. At San Angelo, in the county of Tom Green, on the third Monday S°° A“8°l°· of October and the fourth Monday of April. Sec. 13. That the United States circuit and district courts for the E°°'**"¤ ‘“¤'·*'*°*~ eastern district of Texas shall be held in each year at the times and places as follows: At Tyler, in the county of Smith, on the fourth Monday of January TYl°*· and the fourth Monday of April. At J efferson, in the county of Marion, on the first Monday of Octo- J<=¤¤¤¤¤- ber and the third Monday of February. At Beaumont, in the countv of Jefferson, on the third Monday of B°’“‘““°“*· November and the first Mondav of April. At Sherman, in the county of Grayson, on the first Monday of Jann- S¤*>¤¤¤¤· ary and the third Monday of May. At Paris, in the county of Lamar, on the fourth Monday of October I’¤¤¤· and the second Monday of March. Sec. 14. That the United States circuit and district courts for the W°¤*¤¤¤ d*¤¤’i¤¤- western district of Texas shall be held in each year at the times and P°°'· P- "S5- places as follows: At Austin, in the county of Travis, on the third Monday of January A“°“°· and the second Monday of June. At Waco, in the county of McLennan, on the first Monday of March w"°°· and the fourth Monday of September. At San Antonio, in the county of Bexar, on the second Monday of Sw A¤¢<>¤i<>- April and the fourth Monday of November. At El Paso, in the county of El Paso, on the second Monday of May El "“°· and the first Monday of November. Sue. 15. That the marshal and district attorney for the southern §>¤¤;_<>¤j¤ dggictg judicial district of the State of Texas created and appointed under the aaai2T2y`? °" ° it provisions of this Act shall each receive a compensation or sala of *’“*""*°“· three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, payable as the marghals and district attorneys in the other districts are paid under the provisions of existin law, and the marshals and their deputies shall give the bond required of marshals and deputy marshals under the provisions of existing law. Sue. 16. That the clerk of the district court appointed in the south- Olmcrn judicial district as created by this Act shall reside at one of the places designated therein for holding courts, and such clerk shall °°P°**°¤· appoint at least three deputies, one of whom shall reside at each of the otli; places in said district designated for holding courts therein. \ Sec. 17. That each of the referees in bankruptcy residin in the mgggm i¤ b¤¤k· several `udicial districts of the State of Texas as constitutec? by this ` Act shall continue to act as such within their respective districts, and all proceedings commenced and pending before them respectively at the time this Act goes into effect shall be continued and disposed of in the court and district to which jurisdiction thereof is given by the provisions of this Act. Sec. 18. That all laws and parts of laws so far as inconsistent with mmgd¤¤“¤¤* l"" the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. ` Sue. 19. No provision in this Act contained shall be construed to 'l'°¤“*°°*°¤°°· continue in office any officer of said courts or judicial districts for a term longer than that for which he was appointed or to limit or