Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1352

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INDEX. lv G. P¤8¤· Garjidd Memorial Hospital, D. C'.—C0nt'd. Pmé- Gpgropristion for isolating wud r.- 609, 974 GQIGM 0M¤1¤¤•y, I W. e ciency appropriation for isolating paymetrrt to survnving partner, refund of 242 wa.rds.;zu _____,_____,,,______ 562, 1044 xes . . ,..,.,,.,. Garrett, Robert, Sym, GGW, TYWMM E-, _ _ _ claim of, as agents for Northern Pacific payment of French spolmtion clam to ad- Railroad, referredtoCourt of Claims; _ ·l!1llllSl7l'Bl'»0I of 228 ymgm; ______________________ ;__ 764 Gamamlle, lla., _ _ _ _ Garrad, Hmm G., construction of public building authorised; appropriation for services .,..,... 478 nommnl site .. 316 Garrium, 0. L., _ _ appropriation for .. 426, 1085 claim referred to Court of Claims; pay- Gamugilk, Ga., _ ment . ,_,,,.,,,,,,,__________ 764 deficiency uppropriatron for public build- Gumhum, Oliver L., ingi;1te.l;li.wii.:...:£‘;..fi1;).: claim referred to Court of Claims; pay- purchnsco pu c dings: au . ment 764 Gainu¤illeHT¢:r.,)f bu bun _ th Gas and Metersé D. CC, to be tod b conatruc on pu c ding an or- inspect' or an asistamt a in ized at ... 316 Commissioners Il if ... yl 959 appropriation: for .. 427, 1085 Gu Cmnpaniee, D. C., " Galen," Ship, personal tax on 619 payment c French spoliadon claim on ac- Gas, D. Cl, count of . 230 minimum candle power of, reduced 602, 967 ‘ “Gallatin," Revenue Outter, Gaaconadc River, Ma., appropriation for reimbursiug omcers and appro riztion for improvement of 368- crew for loses, wreck of ... -.- 240 Sound, Fla., Galwdon Land and Improvement Company, preliminary examination of, to be made.- 377 payment to . ... 490 Gasp: Basin, Canada, Galveston §'hip Channel, · appropriation for consul at . 85, 816 appropnstnon for improvement of; con- Gaspcr, Charles, tracts . 356, 1127 appropriation for . - ; 269 Galveston, Tex., Gqaaway, W L., appropriation for improvement of harbor payment to 490 entrance; contracts ... 340 Gauss, Herman, for improvement of channel; contracts. 340, deficiency appropriation for services .. 582, 1068 1126 General Account of Advances, Navy, _ for improvement of channel to Texm deficiency appropriation for reimburs- City; modification of contract . 341 ing ... 585, 1049 channel from inner bar . 1126 General Educati<m`Bom·r7, D. (1, board of engineers to submit plans for pro- incorporated; scope, etc . 768 tection of port, etc ..., 341 General Grant National Park, terms of court .. 68 appropriation for protecting, etc .. 456, 1119 Gamble, Patrick LL, de ciency up ropriution for improvement. 1060 deiciency appropfiztion for administrator General Land (gmc (see alao Pub ic Lands), of . .. 559 appropriation for Commimioner, assistant, Game, ti f hl * f clerks, etc .. 1g?, a proprin on orexpenses xeventings 'p- or investigations, ctc ... 8, ‘ P ment of illegally killed . 299, 1161for maps; distribution . . 158, 893 Game and C}, 598, 96 * for records ... E .. . . 453 approprm on or orcing 1 or um s ing runscripts o reco s, Game Animals and Birds, Alaska, ‘ etc ... 453,1116 regulations as to killing, etc . 327 for rebinding tract books ... 480, 1145 Game Birds, deicieucy appropriation for transcripts importation of eggs for propagation per- from reco and plats 1 mitted ... 285 for maps of United States .. 81 Game Lawn, State and Terrilmnnl, for maps of States . ... 31 forestry grants, etc., to amist in enforcing. 1115 for clerks 1054 "Ganges," hi , _ General Siaf Ovrps, Army, payment of ghench spolmtion claim on ac- established . 830 count of . 218 duties of ... 831 Garbage, etc., D.iC.,d i 600 965 detail of ohcers for .. tg .. :33 1 s ro riation or isposing 0 .. , term; tempo amignmen . Gaxrner? Nathan, return to brunch of service from which pu ment of Court of Claims judgment to . 217 detailed . - 831 Gardiner, Henry, restriction on further detail- 831 payment of French spolistion claim to ad- Chief of Staff, supervisory powers of .. 831 ministrator of 220 duties, Board of Ordnance and Fortid- Gardner, Paul, cation . .. 831 payment of French spolistion claim to ad- Soldiers' Home Commissioners . .- ..- 831 ministrator of 225 general officers, not allowed aids-de-camp Gm;/kld Memorial Hospital, D. CZ, and secretaries ... 831 appropriation for maintenance; one—hslf Chief of Artillery to serve as additional from District revenues . 467, 1132 member .. 831, 1021 for additional land ... .- . . 467 to have rank, etc., of brigadier-general- 831 for new building; etc ... 1132 brigadier-generals, number limited .. 831 one-half from `strict revenues .. 1132 to be in e act August 15, 1903 ..,..., 831