Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1356

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mmcx. lix ` Guam, _ _ e Y¤U¤· ·HaIl ojzlkcorda, D. 0._, · Plsé- appro];r;attr0n`iorgener·alst4>r·ehouse, naval 1188 dehcrency appgpmtion for purchase of 10 OD ... square or . . , . 39 deficiency appro riation for repairs, etc., for preliminary plans; limit of cost . 1039 of marine harracks .. . 1052 purchase of uare 143 as site for, authortrade statrstrga Io; commerce with,required. 172 Eau, _ ized; yam, etc ... 1212 ‘ - appropriation for naval station .. 1188 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Guatemala and Honduran, . administrator of ____,_,,__________ 214 appropriadon for minister to ... 76,807 Halls, etc., D. C., or of legation .. 77, 808 Hlieense tax on proprietors of ..,.._,,,_,,, 625 G ulteilula ) G lwullulala will 1 inc | , . appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 payment ¢lin&urt of Claims judgment to Guoyaquil, Ecuador, i administrator of .. 215 appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 Hamburég Bay, or clerk hire 86, 818 inclu ed in general improvements of Mis- Gudph, Canada, sisippi River ,... 366 a roprratron for cormul at . 84,816 Hamburg, Germany, Guifgort, lifes., _ . appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 _ apmriiatron for rmprovement of harbor- 463 H pzptlegr h11S .,.,,,,.,.,__,,,,__ 86, 818 Balance, am , m-mu a, ‘

 for contraction  305, 1024 approprigiiion for consul at .. .. , 83, 815

"ny s my appropriation lor ilnishing seacoa§(t7 1025 purchaszeedof public building site author- QIIDB .. , 1 . -;.. 320 Gan Erdory, Washington, D._(1, Mrval, approfpriation for .. 429,1038 apgupriadon for steel-casting plant-.- 666, 1180 limit o cost increased, site for public r equipp ry .. 666 building ...,, 1207 for new macery 666,1180 Hamilton, Octane, for new power bouse ., 1180 appropriation for consul at ..,__.___ 83, 815 for converting lathes .. 1180 Hammond, Ind., Ganboab, Naty, construction of public building authorized construction of trnpzauthorined; cost . 690 at ._.-, ... 318 Gunboata on Wcdcrn iverc, a proprratron for .. 427, 1086 deiiciency appropriation for 30, 589 authorized across Calumet River at. 660 Gunnrry Exercises, Navy, Havnpton, Elkabdh L, ` Guapprgpariation for 664, 1178 Hrnymengrf Con? of Claims judgment to. - 208 n , mad ampton, ensey ., appropriatioh for contract ... 307, 1026 appointment authorized as captain and Gu 1- ... 307, 1026 H quarterrnaséer, Army . 1030 nterzvi e ., · ampton Rwcr' , . ., bridge fznfthorired Tennessee River, 921 Hpreliminary eirafmination of, to be made-- 380 m wis to ... ampton Roads, a., Gumcy and Smith, appropriation for improvement of; removpayment oi French spoliation claim to ad- ing Middle Ground Bar 336, 1125 · . ministrator of surviving partner ..- 222 Hampton, 'a., Guthrie, Okla., appropriation for Indian school ... 271, 1003 construction of public building author- or expenses, Volunteer Soldiers' ized at; site .. 316Home . . .. 470, 1134 appropriation for .. 426, MB6 deflcienc? apprlolpriation for Volunteer or sidewalk, jail ... 1142 So diers cme . 14, 564, 589, 1049 limit of cost increased, public building .-. 1206 Handy, William, Gmnnasiuma, D. Ci, payment of French spoliation claim to ad- `license tax on .. 626 ministrator of 224 Hankau, China, f I a ropriation or consu at ..,,. 82, 814 H' Huggins, Thomas R., Habana, Cuba, payment of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for consul·gener·al at . 199, 813 administrator oi · .. 2 12 or clerk hire . 818 "Hanna," Brigxm Hdeilciencylpppropriation for clerk hire . . - 553 payment oft f ch spoliation claim on ac- 25 ks, etc., . ., - , coun 0 . 2 lgfcgnge taxon owners; badges ,.. 624 "Hannoh," Brig, Blakely, Master, Hpigeruuwn, Md., payment of French spoliation claim on acoticiency appropriation for public build- 1039 count of . 222 'nzsiw ----··-------·------------ ··mm 1.-- ·,w our Hpuresise or public bonding site authorized 1207 ,,,y'Q',,,],,,¥§,’,,,,,,'ff',;,,"1{,,,0,; d,,,,,, 0,, M, M. e r . Qppropriation for minister to ... 76, 807 Hanm;baZ0;;;_’0 228 Hap "fo3£’ZL¤‘°°E’¤'r`“a0¤r¤¤,s¤smi it .. s1,s1s ·r·v~vr=·*i¤,g, for i¤·v¤·v·=·¤·=¤* of me Haug,5c]8r$)him________________________ 86,818 H w"¤gPl verat ---------·· · ·--- ·-·· 365 , a . “" · . . · yrrighiz or com of Claims judgment to . 217 . ¤m>¤>r·¤¤¤<{¤ fair <=<>¤¤¤l ¤¢ ----·-------- 81 815 HE, John W, _ _ I Harbor and Diver Front, D. C., payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 217 appropriation for expenses . . .. 600, 965