Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1360

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mm21x. lxm Hot &>rings Reservmion, Ark.—Continued. P¤s¤· House of Represematives—Continued. Pagetime extended for completing incline rail- deficiency appropriation for contested elecway, West Mountain ... 788 tion expenses .. 581, 1067 Hot Springs, S. Dak., for digest o private claims 582 appropriation for national sanitarium for for laborers, Clerk’s office .. L- . 582 volunteer soldiers . 282, 1136 for janitor, official reporters' rooms . 582 Hotel P*roprMors, D. Ci, for clerk to conference minority ... 582 personal tax on 619 for extra pa , official reporters . 582, 1068 'cense tax on .. 625 for paying Cderk, contested elections ex- Hmlgh, Wd1mm N, Ipenses ,,..,.,.. , ,,__,,_,_ 582 payment of Court of Claims judgment to for erman Gauss and D. S. Porter - 582, 1068 administrator of .. 216 for elevator conductors 582 Housalonic River, Conn., for John Douglas . · 583 · appro riation for improvement of 349 for Albert Scott 583, 1068 House 0jP Detention, D. C, 4 for extra month’s pay to em loyees . 583, 1066 appro riation for expenses 607, 972 for clerk of Appropriations Committee. 1066 House 0jPRepresen¢atives, for Albert Scott .. 1068 appropriation for compensation of Mem- for assistant driver, folding room .. 1068 bers and Delegates . ; 124, 858 for superintendent, Clerk’s document for mileage . 124,858 room ..,. 1068 for Sgkefs office, clerks, etc ... 124, 858 for biographical Congressional Directory 1068 for C . . . 124, 858 for joint committee, dedication of Loui- · for Cler of the House, clerks, etc--. 124, 858 siana Purchase Exposition 1068 list of private claims 52d-57th Con- for Laps D. McCord ..,... 1068 glremes ... 858 contingent expenses ampropriations, refor c ief engineer, assistants, etc . 125, 859 striction on use o 26 for clerks and memengerstocommittees, construction of building for committee annual .. . .. 125, 859 rooms, etc., authorized 1114 for janitors to committees ... 125, 859 supervision of commision of Membersfor clerks to committees, session . 126, 859 elect . ‘ 1114 for Sergeant-at»Arms, deputy, etc 126, 859 selection of site; condemnation, etc 1114 for Doorkeeper, amistant, etc 126, 860 disbursements to be by Secretary of the messengers, laborers, etc .. 126, 860 Interior s . 1114 superintendent folding room, etc. . . 126, 860 employeeeto be paid December, 1901, sale.- - pages, etc . . .. 126,860 ries, December 18 734 superintendent documentroom,etc- 126, 860 to be paid December, 1902, salaries, Despecial employees; succesors .. 127, 860 cember 18 ... . 1229 for Postmaster, assistant, etc . 127, 861 five members to serve on joint Library horses, mail wagons, etc ... 127, 861 Committee ... 735 for omcial regyrters . 127, 861 furniture to be under Superintendent of for stenograp ers to committees . 127, 861 Cag`tol . . 125 " during the semion " to mean 121 Household openy, D. Ct, days ,.,.. . ... 127 exempt from personal tax; limit . 620 to mean 207 days .,. 861 Houston, Tex., for clerk hire, Members and Delegates 127, 861 deficiency appropriation for public buildfor contingent expenses; materials for ing site .. 1039 folding ... , 128, 861 examination of public building directed; for fuel and oil ... .. 128, 862 repor·t ... 326 for furniture and repairs 128, 862 purchase of public building site authorized; for packing boxes ... 128, 862 alternative provisions . 1208 for miscellaneous items ..,.. 128, 862 terms of court .. 68 for expenses, special and select commit- Hovey, Amos, tees 128, 862 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- . for stationery ... . . . . 128, 862 ministrator of 220 for postage stam .. 128, 862 Howard, Joseph, for printing and binding ... 479, 1145 payment o French spoliation claim to adim- site for building for committee rooms, ministratrix of . ... 229 etc ,,.,.._,,,,... 1113 Howard lhaivemly (see also Fr·eedmen’s Hosdeficiency appropriation for folding mate- pital), rials ,,,,,,,,_.,.,... 26, 759 appropriation for maintenance 457, 1121 for J, C. Com-ts ,,_.,.. 26 or exppnses ... L ... 457, 1121 for furniture and repairs . ·.. . 26, 1068 Howe, A. ., _ ' for funeral expenses, President McKin- deficiency appropriation for services, etc - 580 ley --, ------·---·-----·-- 26, 581 11,,,,,11, Samuel, fo1' 1111¤0€H¤¤€0¤$ 1*81115- - -2Z, 285, 581, 774, 1086 payment of French spoliation claims to adfor special and select committees ééé .7:54 lggé mgngm-am, O; ____________________ 222 . . . . * * Howells and Company, .L A., ig; glrgggg gid bmding ‘‘‘‘‘ 27* 31* ??'g’ deficiency appropriation for advertising . . 12 sms mm nt mom .. ; ’ 570 H<¤¤·1=¤‘¤,, ig; iipbmryi guem: .. sm ¤r,p¤>v¤¤1=1<>¤ for 0911, md www- - 308,1026 for compensation cig Members and Dele- _ 0I' PY°°°b‘l0“dm€ 81989, md ¤’·1’· gates .. 581, 1067 ¤¤z¢·¤ -·----------------------- 308,1026 for horses and wagons, doorkeeper . 581 Howland, Cornelius, for stationery ,___,,_,,.,... 581, 1068 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor widows of deceased members 581, 1067 ministmtor of 224