Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1370

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mom:. lxxm _ J- P¤8¤. Jvrden, John, _ Pnce- Jacbcn, Epsw, payment to ..., 487 payment of of Claims judgment to - Jersey City, N .L, ‘ administrator of .. 213 examination of public building, direcwd; . Jackson, Fm., _ . report .. · . 3 26 limrt of copt mcrcasod, public building . . . 312 Jerusalem, Syria, qpp!0 l18d0n for . 425 appropriation for consul at . 82, 814 lxcbon, fcarrilla Agency, N Mex., ‘ paymcny of French spoliation claim to ad- appropriation for Indian agent at 246 mmlshitor of , ... , - . . 22] "]nanna," Sh?, Jacbwnvillr, Fla.,payment of rench spolistion claim on aclimit of increased, public building. 815, 1203 count of ...,,., - ._,,_, 219 d ?‘°'°‘°"““°“‘°‘ ·‘‘‘ z ‘‘‘‘ u"1;‘1.1 "”*}3§3 ’%”&°"· "‘ B" { e cnencyappropriatiou or pu ic ui ing c cioncy appropriation or paestate allowance 0F ssditicnal land for public of .' .. 1077 building; location . .. . 1231 Johnson Oily, Tenn., Jackaarwdle, I ll., appropriation for BX}\€DSN, Volunteer S01- . construction of public building authorized dicrs’ Home ... 472, 1136 ,.,.,w,.,"‘ ‘=‘·· s ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ an 1332 d 2* °°““"“°“°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ { "vi ‘‘‘‘‘‘ m “““ a or . - , e ciency appropriation or 0 uutaer - Jumbo, J. ., diers’ Homo; construction . 13 dencinmzy appropriation for credit in no- 557 Johnson, E, Fred O. Handy, and.Pcr¢y WC counts ... an y, Jail, D. C., appropriation forestate of 288 appropriation for warden .. 610, 976 Johnson, Edward, Plym! or maintenance and support of prison- payment of French spoliatiou claim to add ers ... Y .. .. (:10,976 J h ministrators o .. _ . 226 eii¤uwy' appropriation or support 0 o mon, , prisoners. . .,. .. 561, 1044 fwsim lc patent to imno, Indian land - - - 1008 mln? of warden ..,.. . . 542 Johmon, ard W, Jailn, waited States. payment of Court of Claims judgment to approguriation for mpdrs .. ; - . . . . 1142 administrator of ... . .. 213 , Jam", t {C0 f Claims dgm t to 216 Joh T20 ’ 90 mon 0 urt oju en . . cnt . 4 .711]:;, Edward W, J , James, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 212 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Jame; River, Va., administrator of .. 209 up ro riatiou for impmvcment of ... 351 Johnston, James, gr Eghtinif ... 433, 1094 claim rcferredtn Court of Claims; payment. 764 Jamestown, N . Johnston, Thomas, jr., ‘ appropriation {or public building . 421, 1086 payment of French spoliation claim to a.d~ limit of cost increased, public building- . . 313 ministrator of .. 229, 233 Jancwilk, Wis.; Johnatmvn, Pa., approprinticn for public building` 421 purchase nuthorizedof public buildingsito. 320 degciency appropriation for public build- appropriation for .. . .. 429 ing . . 1038 Jolkvt, ll., · limit of cost increased, public building . . . 1205 appropriation lor public building 421 .hmizm·s, Public Buildingo, Joliet Steel appropriation for assistant custodians und. 448, , clalmrefo to un u£Clsims; plyment. 764 1110 é Jann and Clark, deiiciency appropriation for . , . .. 28 l p•yment of French ppoliotion clnim to ad- Janimra to Committees, ministrnwr of surviving partner. . 223, 228 appropriation for, House of Ropresenta- g Jana Dallao, tives ... 125, 859 » doilcicnc appropriation for expenses, ow. 570 Jantzcm, Mrs. E. L., · ‘ Jana, Hug _ ` pgymgntto ,._,,,... . ... 490 ’ appmpnshon for payment to , ... 1001 Japan, _ _ _ Jones, H., _ _ _ gp mprigmon for mnmstcr to ... 76, 807 deiicneucy sppropnamon for servnccs. . . 580, 1067 Kn secretary of legstion .. 77,808 Jones, John C, _ fm second secretary . 77, 808 payment of French spolianon claim to ad- {0;- interpreter to legution 77, 809 ministmtor of . . 229, 230 for rent, lezation 78, 810 Jones, John H., _ for improving legation grounds 810 payment to legal representatives of L . 241 _ for interpreters at consplafes . - 3; jh 86, 818 Janes, R. 490 deficiency a pro ristion or ega ion ui — puymen . ing, 'lgykyg ... 5 Janes, Samu¢l_G., Jarm, David Hq lxneal rank m cavalry corrected .. 805 gold medal of honor to, relief of Arctic J0Plm» MQ: _ , . . _, whaling 5%; ________________,____ 492 apnmrrmhpq for nubhc b:;ld:n:iid:-. 4-1, lgig Jqferson Memorial (see Thomas Jefferson hm)? ° ms m· ’ Tu - lc mg' " N . I A _· · Joseph sBand, .\cz Percé ndmm·, ‘i°m°"° °s°°"m°n)' a prepriation for support, etc., of .. H, 992 Je;{7`¢’1‘S0¤. TU"-, Judge-.ldmude-Gmeml, Airy, terms of wuft ..-.---·----------------·- 69 , a proprintion for clerks, offico of ... 153, 887 ".Ienny," Snmr, Judge-.·ldv0ml0 Geuerah Department, Army, payment of French spoliution claim on ac- appropriation for pay of odious; longev- (•0n_n[gf_____ ________ ____ ____ _ ____ 224 ity ,.. .. . ..