Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/138

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72 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cas. 221-223. 1902. Secretary of War in the bridge constructed under this Act shall be made by the corporation owning or controlling the same at its own ¤’¤¤=¤ 01 ¤<>¤¤¢r¤¤- expense. Furthermore, if the construction of the said bridge shall °°'not be completed within two years after the passage of this Act all the _ privileges conferred hereby and this Act shall become null and void. Approved, March 18, 1902. M¤rch18.1902. CHAP. 222.-An Act To re-form the w tem judicial district of the State of [Public, no. 45.] A**m¤*°- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R'1epw·esentatw}ves of the United ,,,‘,§f,,,"§,“§},,,,,‘{_“‘°'“ States of zimewloa in Oonglreas assembled, at the Act of February $ge¤g¤ •gg)¤·i· twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled "An Act to ' ’P'reorganize the judicial districts of Arkansas, and for other purposes," be, and is hereby, so amended as to add to the western judicial district of the State of Arkansas as now formed the counties of Baxter, Marion, _ and Searcy, now a part of the eastern judicial district of said State. m§;§§f‘°" ‘“"“’°" Sec. 2. That in the said western district there is hereby formed a third division, which shall be known as the Harrison division. B°‘“”¥°‘ *"°°“‘ Src. 3. That all process, civil and criminal, hereafter issued against any person or persons residing in either of the counties of Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, or Searcy, which counties shall constitute the Harrison division, shall be made returnable to the courts for the Harrison division, to be held at the city of Harrison. _ ’"'“”*' °"'““'· All process, civil and criminal, now pending in the courts, respee—· tively, at Fort Smith or at Batesville, inst persons residing in any of the counties hereby incorporated insge Harrison division, shall be

 of and determine in those courts, respectively.

T°"‘“ “H“'l’°“ . 4. That the terms of the United States circuit and district courts for the Harrison division of the western jpdicial district of the State of Arkansas shall be held at Harrison, in the county of Boone, on the second Mondays in April and October. C‘°’*~ Sec. 5. That there shall be appointed, in the manner required by law, a clerk, who shall keep his office at the city of Harrison. R°P°¤*· Sec. 6. That all Acts and parts of Acts in coniiict with this Act be, E”·>¤*— and the same are hereby, repealed; and this Act shall take edect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, March 18, 1902. ___§{§”`l‘l**·_“m· CHAP. 228.-—An Act To authorize the Dothan, Hartford and Florida Railway

p“;,u,._ y,,_ my Company to construct a bridge across East Saint Andrews Bay, navigable water, at

a point about one mile east of Farmdale, in the State of Florida. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe£»resen.tatives of the United MT s"“"“‘"°"“ States ofAr/zeriea in Cbngress assembled, That the Dothan, Hartford ¤n%°g!*,%;d“*Il:{{{g£ and Florida Railway Company be, and is hereby. authorized to concompmlymtf mage. struct and maintain and operate a bridge across East Saint Andrews “°‘" F"'“‘°“ °* ""‘ Bay, navigable water, in the State of Florida; said bridge to be located _ _ _ about one mile east of Farmdale, in said State. ,,,°{,°,fg,',$§°,§’,,,‘fi,`{,`,’,§Y ‘° Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of War may prescribe; and to secure that object the said Dothan, Hartford and lorida Railway Company shall submit for his examination designs and drawings of the bridge, and maps of the location. giving for the space of 0ne—half mile above and one-half mile below the proposed location the topography of the banks of the bay, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the