Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1410

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HDEX. oxiii Mm, D. q—0om=iuued. - me- Public Bundmgp-continued. me. counsel {Ol' nonresident infants - - 524 up ro rigtigu for Bzmggr, Mg ____________ 1083 SOI'VlC6 OH forexgn corporations having no E); ggmbgg Wig __ _ _ ________ 1083 place of business nor officer 544 · for- Bgtggvilfg, Ark _________________ _ _ _ 1033 P"0€!0'*‘» J08€Ph, _ _ _ _ for Battle Creek, Mich ._,___..,_,, 1083 paymcnq of French spolumon olmm to ad- for Bgumout, Tex _ __ _ _____ 1083 Pr gugstrstor of .. .. 221 _ im- Zggcxi, Mig _____,________________ 1034 WW"; · -, _ isc, Idsh .. 420 Pr<g66<=§¤¤cy appropriation for services .. 580 {gr gonna, 1o;v;G; .,,,,_ ‘ __i____,_,_ 1084 _ q _ _ _ or muswm , a ..._,_,..,. , 420 aiens belonging to, not excluded admmmon 1214 for Burlington, [Own __________________ 1084 Pfo9f¢80, -¥¢ff·`|00y for Burlin%n, Vt ..,..,.,,,____,,_,_, 1034 Prapprpprmuou for consul at . - ; .. 85, 817 gm- ggttg, Hntl ______________________ 1084 . me . or nervie,oa .. 1084 nppreprinlgion for armor plates, ctc., for . for Gharlottogvilletyva ,_,,______,,,,,_ 1034 0B8h11g --.. 307, 1026 for Cheyenne, Wyo .,.,,_..,,. 420 PI’0P6l@T Tvwbvd 00{npgmy, for Chresgo, Ill., temporary posh0H50s . 420, dciic1cncy ou for .,... 1037 1084 Wy 0{ 6d6N1Z0 Soldiers, rent temporary quarters ..,.. 1084 c ims or,taken in violation of terms of nowsogx,-oflioe, om ,______________ 420, 1084 - surrender at Appomsttox to be in- for Cb licothe, Ohio _,1___ , _,__,,_ 1084 Veslggqfbd .. r . 43 for Cleveland, Ohio ,... 420, 1084 appropmmou for puying approved rent, tempormzy buildings 420, 1084 claims_ .. . 43 for Colorado Sprmgs, Colo .,,,,__,_.,_, 1084 proof roqmred; heirs entitled .. ‘ 43 for Cmwfordgville, Ind .,,_____,__,_,__ 1084 deficiency appropriation for paying claims- 1048 for Creston, Iowa ,..,,_______________, 420 Hqprkwry Stampg, for Cumberland, Md ... 420, 1(BQ hme for redeemmgexwuded to July 1, 1904 506 for Dallas, Tex .,,,.___,____,_,___ 1084

 of Crimes, for Deadwood S. Duk ,_,,.,,._ 1084

approprumou for expenses ... 474, 1140 for Decatur, Ill ..,,,. - 1084 Proctilules, . for Dekalb, Ill 1084 admission of alien, excluded 1214 £or Bgnzler, Clrélo., mint ..,.,___,.,.,,, 1084

 _ or m . C L ... 1084

importing females for purposes of, forbid- for Easton, 1’a ,... 1084 _ den; gunisbment . 1214 for Equ Clnireb1Wis ... 1084 Proucting :P•{blw Lands, dc., for Elgzabeth ty, N. C ... 420 appropriation for expenses ... 452, 1115 for Elizabeth, N. J 1084 deficiency appropriation for expenses 21, for Ellis Island, N. Y., immigrant sta- 1056, 1074 tion _ 1084 Providencefcfoapdal, D. Q, _ for Elkhart, Ind ..,... 1085 appropriation for desutute paneuts; one- for Elrmm, N. Y . 420 half from District revenues . 467, 1132 for Emporia., Kaus 1085 for isolation wards .. - .. - 609, 974 for Evanston, Ill . 1085 for reconstructing building, abc 1132 lor £}vnnsto;,Hgy§[ ... 1085 Providence, R. L, or e u inn 1085 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 348 for Fiuslay, Ohio . 1085 construction of new public building uu- for Fitchburg, Mass ... 421 thor-ized at ... . ... 322 for Flint, Mich ... 1085 appropriation for - . t- .: 429, 1089 for Florence, S. C . .: . . 1085 donation of site for building accepted 322 for Fond du_ Lac Was . 1085 sale of present publjc building authorized; for Fort Smxth, Ark ... 1085 _ minimuukpnoe .,.. . .. 322 §or groeporg {ll .. lggg Prandmcc wer, . . or resno, a . . . appropriation for improvement of; re- for Gainesville, F lu ... 1085 mov;] of Green acket Shoal .. 348 for Gainesville, Tex ... 1085 for impmvemgnt of _,._ , ._,... 462 I for GGHBVB., N. Y .. . .. 1085 hotinmozml Jfaas. ,_ {0I' GGG1g8COF1I, S- C ·----. 1085 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 332 I for Glovenwnlle, N. Y . 108§ hovtygmw, Naw, for Goldsboro, N. C ... 108.2 n Pt-0 yigtjgn for ____ _, ___,,,_... 679, 1190 for Grand Forks, N. _Dak .. I08a pugzc l£t;gd;,tg;, for Grand H3YCD,_M10h ... 1086 ap rgprigtjqn for Aberdeen, S. Dak. .. 420, 1083 for Green Bay, Wis ... l08a En- Abilene, Tex _____ _ _____,,,.. . . 420 for Greensboro, N. C.; rent 1086 for At];-inn, Mich ___________ _ ..,.,,.,, 1083 for Grreenydle, Tenn .. 108;; for Algxgndyiax Va ____ _ ____,.. , .. [Of GUthH6, . ..,. 1086 gm- Allentown, Pg _________ _ __,,.,,,_, 1083 for Hammond, Ind ... 1086 {Or Amesbury, Mags _____,_,, . 1083 F for Hamson, Ark . 1086 for Anderson, Ind __,_______ , ,,..,,,_, 1083 I for Hartford, Qonn 1086 nn- Anniston, A13, __________ _ _,.,., 1083 _ for Hastmgs, 1\cbr 1086 gm- Athens, Ga ____ _ ___________, , .,_,_ 1083 I for Helena, Mont . 421 [0,- Atlznuc, Iowa _____ _ _____,,,,,,... 1083 for Henderson, Ky .,. 1086 tot- Atlantic City, N, J __,, 1083 for Holyoke, Mass .,_.: _ . : . - 1086 {0,- Augusta, Mc _____________ _ ___,,_,. 1083 for Honolulu, Hawaxmmmxgrant statxon 1086 for Baltimore, Md. custom-house-.- 420, 10323 £or got Sggngs, `%_rl§_ . 1335 ml _________ _ ___________ _ _,___,__ or uu _ 01], . a ... gglaitiou in Snbtmagu;-y ____,_,,___,_ 1083 for Hutchmson, Knns .. .. . - 1086 v0L xxxn, mv 1--85