Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1437

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cxl nmnx. Square N0. 189, D. C., WEB- State Courts, _ NSB- portion of alley in, abandoned ... 789 concurrent jurisdiction Wlth bankruptcy Stackpole, William, courts to recover preferences, etc. . . 800 payment of French spoliation claim to wd- 0 St as to voidable corgéeyances, etei 5 - - - 5 . . 800 ministrator of 23 ate Déparlment see partment o tate . Blaf Corps (sic also General Staff Corps, State agléor Cornmvlsaionrrs, San Francisco, Army . ., approprlietiom {gxé contingent expenses, 927 deficienca gppropriation for damages to 1036 c 16 o s . w a Stagg, Thomas, State Homes for Volunteer bbldiers, payment of French spoliation claim to ad- appropriation for aid to; deductions- - - 472, 1137 ministratrix of 220 &deH§iency appropriation for ... 15, 1049 Slahlc and Artist,ale urveys, cfintsto, Sud]e;ici-gzcy uprgvopriation for services .. 573 &;pp13pmtiog1$>r furnishing. . .B. our - 437, 1098 e, wa ., e, ar an am; Dgartment uz mg, Sadeficie;1c)i,t_7dppropriation for services 572, 573 appropriation for cler s, engineers, watchi52 886 incr asc , men, etc ... , appropriation for repairs Sioux Indian for fuel, repairs, etc . 152,887 Sm fwdscggol 266 for repairs to granite columns, approach 152 m , n., to ... appropriation for improvement of harbor. 334 use of public buildings, etc., for ceremonies _Slamped Envelope? d b I lgrgiddenf 152 appropriation or manufacture- istri u- Staten s n V, . ., tion ... I .. 117, 1174 appropriation for improvement of channel deficiency appropriation for manufacture- 1061 Sm I;>e1;1w1eTenY1*Ie}Jvi Ieragy shege and 335 ga ,],,m.,udRe,,m ’ tem can _ . ., gt—_0use epot dygggimégy appmpmsgon for www Onto. 8 approlzrgzggon for new 011 house and coal 430 mfmdggexgz;;;:::::::;:::;:;;;;;:: 8 _;m;%,;;1;é·g;y;g,1IZ11-I1.121I11II.1-1I. ww ti - y .7 me (tended??)}??.-????? .’. 506 ¤PP¥°Pl'i¤·ti0¤ fm' imP!'°V°m¤m of? °0¤· Stamps, Pqstqge and QJ44am' l Delivery. _ _ Sums mm '’'''''‘'‘'`’' 335 =·¤v~v¤=F··>¤ for =¤=·¤¤*··=*¤~ ·¤·* ·*··=¤* deficiency appro mm. for refund to, for bum"] ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'°‘°‘‘‘°"‘’‘‘‘' 1111174 rmsin volldnteers 30 586, 1078 deciency appropriation for manufacture. 23 www Pmgaz Scmjce '‘‘'```’ ’ my be ¤ M Eming Md P¤¤¤¤g appropriation for ,,.,..,_..,. 113,1171 _ B“'°‘“ -··-···--·-··—··--·-·--·-- H7 mem: wm-k, &“”b"`*d9€; Canada, of Executive Dgpsrtments may be trans- ¤·PPY0P¤¤¤0¤ fo1‘ ¤9¤¤¤l 8* —-—---·---·—- 85, 817 ferred to epartment of Commerce Sanalard of Value, Phdipgines, I and Labor ... 830 d oto mmwensiverpesosin'a, gc peegmulatiqn ..,. 952 decermial collection of special, under Di· Standards, Muiunal Bureau o (we National rector of Census .. 52 Bureau of Standards . of trade between United States and its non- Slanding Rock Ag , M Bak., ‘ contiguous territory required .. 172 appropriation for indian agent at .. 246, 983 powers of Department of Commerce as to Standing Rock Indian Reservation, S. Dak., collectmg, etc 827 appropriation for survey, etc .. 262, 997 special collections by Census Office, on Sideiicnanex appropriation for surveying 1074 Sm ozder of ()}on1g5ress . . . ... 5 3 p , . ., I tiaztlcs, urcau, 0 , comm epartme , Sgllgélléht to) . . . 487 g appropriation for officer in charge, clerk?39 873 r outer, mtue, , * etc , appropriation formail transportation by 114, 1172 l for expert services, etc .. 140, 874 deficiency appropriation for mail transpor- 2 [ t.r2.nsfene1dI‘lt;o)0Departmeut of Commerce 826 tation y, ..,.,.. --,. 4, I an r ‘ gt Sh 33, 576, 588, 590, 1062, 1075, 1077 I Statistics Divésioni Dmmmt of Agriwlturgw 1162 ‘ A ar," ip, _ · appropria 'on or ries . , payment of French spoliation claim on ac- [ for gener?] expenses ... %, · counto .. 220 r mont y crop report . ‘ , . Sarkey, Benjamin, I regcsrt on consolidation with \Veather paymeint of Court of Plaims judgment to l Sm ... ES ... 300 ministrator o .. 216 wes see 0 onumen ‘ Slarkweather, H7Iliam A.,de6cienle=£*1aé>l§>ropdution for base of, to Gen- 8 payment to . 239 F e erman . T5 Stale Authorities, Statute.: at Large (see Laws of Congress). cooperation requested of, for uniform reg- Stazgfer, Ed., istration of vital statistics .. , . 1231 payment to 489 State Claims, Staufer, JC G., settlement of mutual claims of Virginia and payment to . ... 489 South Carolina. and the United States 235 Blcam Vessels, Foreign, Florida, Indian war .. . 235 deficiency appropriation for special in- Nevada, raising troops, etc., 1861 .. 235 spectors of ... 1072, 1076 reimbursing Wieist Virginia., payments to 236 &e5zn:1boa¢Ina;>ec;i¢€;1éc ta f th certain o oem u 'es, etc., 0 me 0 e ry refunding Wyomingpxpenses Yellowstone as to, transferrdd to Secretary of Park . 238 Commerce and Labor , 829