Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/15

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XIV . LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Chippewa Indiana, Wisexmain, lands in severally. An act providing for allotments ot lands in severalty to the Indians of the Lac Course Oreille and Inc du Flambeau reservations m the State of Wisconsin. February 3, 1903 ... 1 ... _ . _ ---_.- 795 _ Umled States courts, Arkorwua eastern district. An act to change and fix the time for holdinlg district and circuit courts of the United States for the eastern division of the eastern istrict ol Arkansas. February 3, 1903 . ,--_.._ . 3 .. _.-.:- -: 795 United States courts, additional judge, Minnesota. An act providing for an additional district judge in the district of Minnesota. February 4, 1903 ... 1  : z--- 795 Robert Platt, Nucl;. A11 act authorizing the President to appoint Lieutenant Robert Platt, United States Navy, to the mnk of commander. February 5, 1908  : 796 William P. Randall, Na . An act authorizing the President to appoint Lieutenant.-Commander William P. Randazil, retired, United States Navy, a commander on the retired list. February 796 5 1903 . ... . --.-...-.----.-.-·---------- - ---- IL C. lllerriam, Army. An act to authorize the President to appoint Brigadier-General H. C. · Merriam to the grade of major—genera1 in the United States Army and place hun on the retired list. February 5, 1903 .. . _ . _ 7 96 David Smith, Navy. An act raising the rank of Chief Engineer David Smith on the retired hst of the Navy. February 5, 1903 . - 796 John Walhm Ross, Navy. An act to restore to the active list of the Navy the name of John Walton Bos. February 5, 1903 . . I 797 Bankruptcy Ad amendments. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a uniform W oi bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved July first, eighteen hunand ninety-eight. February 5, 1903 Z- 797 Bridge, Rainy River. An act to provide for the construction of a bridge across Rainy River in Minnesota. February 7, 1903 . 801 Dam, 8. Orch: River. An act permitting the building of a dam across the St. Croix River at or nur the village of St. Cmix Falls, Polk County, Wisconsin. February 7, 1903 ... 802 Public lands, homemade, (blvilk Reservation, Wash. n act providing for free bomesteads on the ’ blic lands for actual and bona Bde settlers in the north one·ha1f of the Colville Indian Eservation, State of Washington, and reserving the public lands for that purpose. February 7, 1903 . . ... 803 “CM·rte¢on," ll S. S., payment of louea, wreck of An act for the relief of the oflioers and crew of _ the United States steamer Charleston, lost in the Philippine Islands November second, eighteen hundred and niuety-nine. February 7, 1903 1 . 804 Gmfederate Iwwak Woods Cemetery, Ill. An act for the improvement and care of Confederate ihieiund, in Woods Cemetery, Chicago, Hlinois, and making an appropriation therefor. e mary 7, 1903 . . · ... 804 District of Columbia, Kall tract. An act to cancel certain taxes med against the Kali tract, February 7, 1903 _ . 805 , Army, correction of rank of captalm. An act to correct errors in dates of original appointments of Captain James J. Hombrook and others. February 7, 1903 .. 805 United States courts, additional judge New York southern diatnkt. An act to provide foran additional judge of the district court of the United States for the southern district of New York. Febmary 9, 1903 .. . .. 805 Department of A `culture, new building. An act. for the erection of a building for the use and accommodsgtlion of the Department of Agriculture. •Februs.ry 9, 1903 . . . 806 Philippine Islands, extradition. n act to provide for the removal of persons accused of crime to and from the Philippine Islands for trial. February 9, 1903 .. , __,,_____ 806 Appropriatimm, diplomatic and comrular. An act making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nmeteen hundred and four. Rebruaz 9, 1903 ... , ,...,._,_ 807 Public lun , lmrm allen, Mimzenota ceded Indian lands. An act to extend the provisions of chapter eight, title thirty-two, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, entitled "Reservatio¤ ` and sale of town sites on the public lands," to the ceded Indian lands in the State of Minnesota. February 9, 1903 ... . .,.,,_ , ,_____________ 820 (Gated States emma, Dimrnit ( buuly, lesma. An act to detach the county of Dimmit from the southern judicial district of Texas and to attach it to the western judicial district of Texas. February 9, 1903 , . ... 820 Gifted States cmzrtn, Alabama northern and middle districts. An act to fix the time for holding the ['nited States district and circuit courts in the northern and middle districts of Alabama. February 9, 1903 ,.. - ...,. 820 .L»Im Russell Bartlett, 1\'avy. An act authorizing the appointment of John Russell Bartlett, a ca - tain on the retired list of the Navy, as a rear-admiral on the retired list of the Navy. F ebmary 10, 1903 ..,._._,__ _ _____________ Q _______ 321 Right of way, Fort Sill Reaerration, Okla. An act to authorize the Oklahoma City and Western Railroad Company to construct and operate a railway through the Fort Sill Military Reservation, and for other purposes. February 10, 1903 . 821 Lighhhouse, San Pranciuco Bay, Cul. An act to establish a fog bell and lens-lantern light on the soqiggbeastern end of Southampton Shoal, San Francisco Bay, California. February 10, · --·-·--·--·-·---·--·----------------------·--------·- · ·..-..·.. . . 822 Public lands, grant lo Calfornia. An act granting to the State of California six hundred and forty acres of land in lieu of section sixteen, township seven south, range eight east. San Bernardino meridian, State of California, now occupied by the Torros band or village of Mission Indians. February 11, 1903 ...,_,_,_,_____ _ ______________ _ __________________ _ 822 Public lands, school inclemnity selections. An act adjusting certain conflicts respecting State school indemnity selections in lieu of school sections in abandoned military reservations. February 11, 1903 _____, , ,,_,_,_ __ ,,,,,,.,,,,,____________,______ _ _____________________ - __,_ 822