Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/168

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102 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 503, 504. 1902. APH! 121902- GHAP. 603.--An Act To provide for the extension of the charters of national [i>¤¤11e,N¤.vo.] b°·¤k¤- _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ?Zf'Rq>reaentati*ue.s oftlw United $§§‘,°,},?,,'“,g,";Q‘,*,},; Bx_ States of America in Oemgress assemble , That the Comptroller of the teggedptwegpé rem- (Jurren? is hereby authorized, in the manner provided bg and under 1¢.sZ,»£is1se.p.w:s. the cou itious and limitations of, the Act of July twel h, eighteen hundred and eighgy-two, to extend for a further period of twenty years the charter 0 any national banking association extended under said Afct which shall desire to continue its existence after the expiration o its charter. Approved, April 12, 1902. April 15,1902 CHAP. 504.-Au Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri ‘$‘b‘,]5(j,,_] River at or near Parkville, Missouri. r _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R@resenta¢i#ves gtk United }g*ngj'g}§§}"§0r,h_ States of America in Oongresa assembled, That the Kansas ity, Northe¤swm¤¤·1G¤i11R¤u- eastern and Gulf Railway Company, a corporation duly incor rated K’§,’§gg'Q'{"p°}‘{k,{{X'§Y under the laws of the State of Kansas, be, and the same is hgreby, ”°· authorized and empowered to erect, construct, build, and maintain a bridge over and across the Missouri River, for the passage and crossing of railroad cars and engiues,_electric cars, and such other material and things as may be used in the management, control, construction, or operation of a railroad, or railroads, hereby giving and granting ‘ unto said railway company, and to its grantees and assigns, the power m;¤i¤{}£géWw¤m¤¤¤ and authority to erect, establish, construct, and maintain in connection with such railway bri ge a wagon bridge and foobpasseuger bridge, or either or both of them. L°°¤*l°¤· Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be constructed over said river at or within one mile of the city of Parkville, in Platte County, Missouri, on the left bank of the said 1'iVOI‘, and at or within one mile of the halfsection line dividin section thirteen of township ten south, of range twenty~four east, ofgthe sixth principal meridian, in Wyandotte County, Kansas. ,n’;,‘p‘_'§s{‘,},}u§‘Qf“°'"'° Sec. 3; That any bridge built under this Act and subject to its limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no higher char e shall be made for the transportation over the same of the mails, the troops, and muni- . tions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the railroads or public highways leading to the said bridge, and it shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post _ roads of the United States. ,,_lff}f,*l§B$(‘}§;:·;,{$,$‘°"" Sec. 4. That the rights, privileges, and authority granted to said railway company by this Act shall extend to and be enjoyed bg the successors, grantees, and assigns of said railway company, an the obligations and duties by this Act made incumbent upon said railway company shall be assumed in all respects by any such grantee, assignee, or successor of said railway company. The said railway company shall have the right, privilege, and authority to build, establish, erect, and maintain al? necessary approaches to said bridge upon either bank of ,,,§Q?§.,"’ °"‘°' °°“" said river, and when said bridge is constructed all other railroad companics or transportation companies which may desire to use said bridge in the conduct of their business, and which may approach said bridge ·'··¤¤r·¤¤*¤**°¤· from either side of said river, shall have the right. to do so, and shall pay to said railwai company, its successors or assigns, a reasonable compensation for the use of the same. to be iixed by the Secretary of Tells- \\'ar if the parties to such tmnsactions can not agree. The owners of said bridge, if they shall erect. establish, and maintain in connection