Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/262

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196 F1I•'1‘Y-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 784. 1902. ` able wooden or paper packages, which shall be marked and branded as the Commissioner 0 Internal Revenue, with the approval of the ,,§,_°"‘“' ‘°" '*°"‘ Secretarysof the Treasury, shall prescribe. Every person who knowingly sel or offers for sale, or delivers or otfers to deliver, any adultcrated butter in an_y other form than in new wooden or paiper packages as above described, or who packs in any package any a ulterated butter in any manner contrary to law, or who falsely brands any n a y aw s a ne or eac o ense no £l“°£'j¥‘€tZ' “£il’§°’rt?,;f§‘;4'?’”b°‘i “"’" Nfktii d‘3“‘¥“i""’ "J"? ““‘°“"Z more than one thousand dollars arid be imprisoned not more than two years. mI,‘g°l °' "‘"'“"°' That every manufacturer of adulterated butter shall securely aB5x, py pasting, on each package containing adulterated butter manufacpred byufm: a labelloplwlarch shall bg printed, besgdis the number of ···»=··» EtZ£"1$0r3§;°$’i¤2'Lia.£Tt‘Z‘?$t“'.L..?.If“$€m‘1’tFoi° ef; 533;% butter herein contained has complied with all the requirements of law. Every person is cautioned not to use either this package again or the stamp thereon, nor to remove the contents of this package without _ destroying said stamp, under the (penalty provided by law in such h§g*:§:*b*jg*•>* ¤¤*¤f- cases} very manu acturer of a ulterate butter w o neglects to ` ailix such label to axéy package containing adulterated butter made by him, or sold or o ered for sale for or by him, and every rson

  • `°’ "’“‘°"*”8- who removes any such label so affixed from any such ipackage shrill be

lined dollars for each package in respect to whic such otfense is commi . my ofnmggggg That upon adulterated butter, when manufactured or sold or removed bumr. for consumption or use, there shall be assessed and collected a tax of ten cents per pound, to be paid by the manufacturer thereof, and any fractional part of a (pound shall be taxed a a pound, and that upon mpi mmm mn- process or renovate butter, when manufactured or sold or removed .or consumption or use, there shall be assessed and collected a tax of pipe-foprth dof onpnpcept pier pou1}d, to bed plaidl pg the manufacturer creo an any ona part o a poun s a taxe as a ound. §_*gP°,,;m° xxxvy The tai; to be levied by this section shall be represented by dbupon eau. stamps, and the provisions of existing laws (governing engraving, issuing, sale, accountability, eifacement, and estructmn ot stamps relapntgc tpl tobacco and snggi as fag as applicable, are hereby made to ap y e stamps provi y t is section. jmnjgjgggg That the provisions of sections nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, wédnggymvpgr. fourteen, fiftegenhsixgeeni geventien, eiglpteen, nineteen, twenty, and ' ’ ‘· wen y-one o ‘ n ct e ning utter a so imposing a tax upon and fuegulafing ghe manufgcgire, sale, importation, and exportation of oleo- _ ga ·1ne, approve ugust second, eighteen hun red and eighty- six, shall apply to manufacturers of "adu terated butter" to an extent necessary to enforce the marking, brandin , identification, and regulation of the exportation and importation ofadulterated butter. Jggyégtw or proc- Sec. 5: All parts of an Act providing for an ins ction of meats for . mpczgubn. exportation, approved _A ugust thirtieth, eighteen liiindred and ninety, v§j,j,§;,lfP,;Qf·*“°· an of an Act to provide for the inspection of live cattle. hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate commerce, approved March third, mgpteen hundred and ninety-one, ang of amen ment thereto approved arch second. eighteen hundred an ninety-five, which are alpphcable to the sub]ects and (purposes _ described_ m this section shal appli to process or renovate butte1·. W{,’;;§iQg’f‘;ng£r And the Secretary of Agriculture is ercby authorized and required to may or Agneuime. cause a rigid sanitary inspection to be made., at such times as he may deem proper or necessary, of all factories and storehouses where process or renovated butter is manufactured, packed, or prepared fo1' market, and of the products thereof and materials going into the manufacture