Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/266

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200 FIFIY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 816, 817. 1902. my 19, mn. ¤HA€.f8 16.1TAn Act For the protection of cities and towns in the Indian Terrilpubucl Na ul] tO]'}', RD OT ot BT pHTp($E. Be it enacted by the Senate and H-mL8g3f Representatives of the United

u_   ofAmm·iea in Congress aasembt , That any incorporated city or

mam w issue wn in e n ian erri ry aving a popu a on o wo thousand or to th I d T to h l tl f t th ‘Q',,,",l',,•,§{,$*,;,*,‘Q‘f ""’“° more is hereby authorized to issue bonds and borrow money thereon, to be used for the construction of sewers and waterworks and the

  • -*1**** °**¤¤¤¢· buildin of schoolhouses; such bonds not to exceed an amount, the

in r n w ic ve per c n u r annu ou 1 u1 'teestgo h'hat’xi etmpe mw ldbel'q`dated by a tax of live upon the dollar of the ggluatipln of the taxable roperty in suc city or town to be ascertain by the ast assessment deznaygggqwewm For puwoses of tatipitiorglthat before gucth bonds shallfbehissued th; same s al be au oriz by a two—t ir s majorit o the qua iiie t voters of such city or town voting at an election held, for that purpose, notice of which shall be {published for four consecutive wee s prior thereto in a newspalpler o general circulation published in such municiié”$&“hm_ palityz Provided, at such bonds shall not e issued until it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the gudge of the United States court for e judicial district in which suc municipality is located, by petition of the mayor and council thereof, that all the requirements of this section have been complied with, who shall thereupon cause to be entered upon the minutes of his court a jud ment or ecrec reciting I (kl my “>,l>•>*·k¤¤ the facts plsge hxildsghem E0 be: Hmilded, That bcfphrpl any ' election s a be e or the pu s erein nam a census l be takenand the population of said municipality ascertained by some suitable person, or persons, appointed for that purpose by the said judge of the district court, w 0 shall make a sworn return to said ]udge showing the number of inhabitants thereof, and that the judgment or decree shall set forth the population and taxable wealth of the municipality, and said order or decree shall be printed on said bond and made a. part thereof and shall be iinal and conclusive against said municriplality in any litigation on said bonds. ”°""“* Sec. 2. at such bonds shall contain all necessary and usual provisions expressing the contract, shall be signed by the mayor, and countersigned by the treasurer of such municipality, who shall keep 1¤¤¤~¤~ a proper record of such bonds. Said bonds shall not bear a rate of interest exceeding five per centumdper annum, payable semiannually, and none of said bonds shall be sol at less than their par value. A¤¤¤¤l*¤· Sec. 3. That any municipality incurring any indebtedness for the purposes provided for in this Act shall, by ordinance which shall be irrepealab e, prov1de for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds, as the same falls due, and also to pay and discharge thehprincipal phlcrecgedwirtrlgn tyventy years frdm the date of P'¤°*·°· contractin the same: avi -, ati any municipa ity shall have the authority under any special Act to issue its bonds, the amount of m§£° °* ¤<W¤<>¤•l the bonds issued under the special Act shall be first deducted, and there shall onliy be issued under this Act such additional bonds as shall not exceed the limit provided in this Act. Approved, May 19, 1902. May 19, im. CHAP. 817.-An Act To apportion the tenn of office of senators elected at the TrH§,;‘,;5jET tirst general election in the Territory of Hawaii. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Régresen tatioea of the United ggggitl oing of States of Amemea in Congress assembled, at the several senators »e¤s¤¤¤.¤m¤1e¤m>¤. elected in the First, Second, Third, and Fourth senatorial districts at V°*·“·p·““· the first general election held in the Territory of Hawaii shall, except as hereinafter provided, each hold office for the term of four years from the date of such election.