Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/282

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216 FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 887. 1902. mQnl**i”;;g¤*¥;g’;;'; To E. S. Ripley, executor of David S. Ripley, deceased, one hunma-cemnmed. dred and sixty-seven dollars. To E. A. Shipley, administrator of Samuel Hicks, deceased, three hundred and twent I-five dollars. To W. O. Gordyon, administrator of the estate of Jack Frank, deceased, one hundred and seventy dollars. To W. A. Jacobs and J. F. Hickerson, administrators of Charles Hickerson, deceased, one hundred and sixtv—five dollars. To Robert F. Smith, administrator of Francis J. Smith, deceased, one thousand and forty-tive dollars. To W. H. Robertson, administrator of Emma Robertson, deceased (formerly Emma M. Mayo); H. P. Hobson. administrator of Lucy Mayo, deceased, and Sarah Agnes Bumpass, heirs of F. W. Mayo, deceased, of Favette County, eight hundred and seventy-four dollars. To Americus `V. Warr, executor of James Warr, deceased, six hundred and eighty-four dollars. vngmm. VIRGINIA. To the heirs at law of Henry C. Brawner, deceased, of Prince William County, three hundred and twelve dollars. To Nancy H. Beans and Rebecca H. Beans, executrices of lsaiah B. Beans, deceased, of Loudoun County, one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. . Ro George Brunk, of Rockingham County, two hundred dollars. To Solomon Beery, of Rockin ham County, one hundred dollars. d To J. B. Carwell, of·Augusta County, one hundred and seventy-five o lars. To T. C. Culpeper, administrator of Josiah Culpeper, deceased, of Norfolk County, seven hundred and twenty dollars. To John W. Fletcher, of Fauquier County, two hundred and thirty- one dollars. To Samuel W. Hough, administrator of William N. Hough, deceased, of Loudoun County, four hundred and forty dollars. To Duncan James, of Fauquier County, eight hundred and fifty- ° nine dollars. To Geor e W. Hott, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of William Hughes, deceased, of Anexandria County, five thousand one hundred and seventy one dollars. To J. J. D. Miller, administrator of John D. Miller, deceased, of Rockingham County,'three hundred and fifty-four dollars. To R. L. Pritchard, John W. Rotheeb, and A. J. Huffman, copartners, doing business as R. L. Pritchard Company, of Pa e County, three thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and thirty-seven cents. To James T. Quick, of Augusta County, one hundred and thirty- five dollars. To W. W. Smallwood, administrator of Benjamin Starkey, deceased, of Clarke County, one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars. To Peter Showalter, of Rockingham County, two hundred and twenty- five dollars. To the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Arlington, known as “‘Hunter’s Chapel," three thousand dollars. To Charles L. Stewart, executor of Charles Stewart, one thousand four hundred and ninety-five dollars. To Mary Baker, four hundred and twenty-six dollars. To William H. Baker, executor of the estate of James Ginn, deceased, one thousand three hundred and sixty-two dollars. To Mary E. Burke, four hundred and two dollars. To John J. Christian, seven hundred and fifteen dollars.