Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/314

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248 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 888. 1902. P’°”**’°- . _ lars: Provided That five thousand dollars of this sum or so much iniiliiiiidniliilyiuofwll thereof as in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior may be deemed necessary, may be used for the introduction of the willow industry almong Indian tribes and on Indian reservations where it may be deeme feasible. Chmn ¤°¤¤*¤¤i°¤· For expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without compen- V¤l·1°»P··i°- sation, appointed by the President under the provisions of the Act of _ A ril tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, four thousand dollars. P”°“°°‘ "*“"°”· llc enable the Secretary of the Interior to employ practical farmers and practical stockmen in addition to the agency farmers now employed, at wages not_ exceeding seventy-five dollars each per month,_to superinten and d1rect farming and stock raising among such Indians as are making effort for self—support, seventy-five thousand dollars. · I°‘“‘“* P°”°°· For services of officers, at fifteen ollars per month each, and privates,_at ten dollars per month each, of Indian police, to employed in maintaining order and prohibiting illeglal traihc 1D liquor on the several Indian reservations and within the erritory of Alaska, in the discretion of the Secretaxf the Interior, for the purchase of equipments, and for the purc e of rations for (policemen at nonration _ agencies, one hundred and thirty-five thousan dollars. 00-f,‘,}g_¥°“· I“‘“'"‘ For compensation of judges of Indian courts, twelve thousand five h hurpdred and {prté) dollars. f th I I bl

  • ‘¤“°¤¤ *° °°°·° o ena e the cretary o e nterior to employ suita e persons

housekeeping` as matrons to teach Indian girls in housekeeping and other household · duties, at a rate not to exceed sixty dollars per month, and for furnishingmecessary equipments, fifteen thousand dollars. p,}g*¤¤¤¤*¤¤ ¤¤P· elegraphmg, and purchase of Indian supplies: To pay the expense of purclmsing goods and supplies for the ndian Serv1ce, and pay of necessary cmp pyees; advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commerc1al rates; inspection, and all other expenses connected therewith, Tm _ su and for telegraphmg, fifty thousand dollars. . _ pHH_““°°"“°*' ¥" For necessary expenses of transportation of such goods,_(prov1sions, and other articles or the various tribes of Indians provided for by this Act, including play and expenses of transportation agents and rent _ of warehouses, two undred and twenty-five thousand dollars. "°°°’“°"°“· For pure vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, five thousand dollars. ·

  • `¤“““¤¥ “°°“°’· FULFILLIN G WITH AND SUPPORT

Mggppsgias of the CHIPPEYVAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI. For the last of ten installments of annuity, last series to be paid \’·:·1·9..x>·904· to Chief Hole in the Day or his heirs, per third article of treaty of V<>!.16.r>-720- August second, eighteen undred and forty-seven, and fifth article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand dollars; ‘*"‘°°'**· For support of a school or schools upon said reservation, during the pleasure of the President, in accordance with third article of treaty of d exch nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four thousand o ars. Fhoctaws. CHO(H·AwS_ m§*¤¤°”°"° °¤¤'“· For permanent annuity, (per second article of treaty of November <j61.7.p.w. sixteenth, eighteen hundre and five, and thirteenth article of treaty ‘ °'· “· "‘ 6** of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand ollars·

  • 0*- ’» P- 21* For permanent annuitgefor support of light horsemen iuper thirteenth

article of treaty of Octo r eighteenth, eighteen hundr and twenty,