Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/32

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. xxxi Page. Joseph D. Hazzard. An act granting an increase of pension to J oseph D. Hazzard. May 17, 1902- .. 1392 Paul Fuchs. An act granting an increase of pension to Paul Fuc s. May 17, 1902 .. 1392 Mlliavn E Ham. An act granting an increase ofgaension to William F. Horn. May 17, 1902..- 1392 Marietta L. Adams. An act granting an increase 0 pension to Marietta L. Adams. May 17, 1902. 1393 Robert I and VW1I5am Cl McClellan. An act for the relief of Robert J. Spottswood and the eirs of William C. McClellan, deceased. May 17, 1902 . ,.. 1393 Paul Crum. An act to lace the name of Paul Crum on the muster rolls of Company B, First went North gakota Volunteer Infantry. May 22, 1902 ... - . 1393 Maria J ilson. An act granting an incrgase of pensigp to Maria JMWi§é>ni901;Jay 23, 1902 M Tale. An act ting an increase 0 pension 0 ary ate. ay , ... MEM! Mamane. gn act granting an increase of pension to Michael Marnane. May 23, 1902.- 1394 ErmqG.H , An actgrantin nai ntoErmaG.Harve . May 23, 1902. ...--. 1394 Warren WZ mmm. An actggglalniiingoan increase of pensgon to Warren W. H. Lawrence. 1394 M 23, 1902. -.---... - ... James W?)2£0at}i. An act granting an increase of pension to James W. Roath. May 23, 1902 . 1394 Willwm Mauluzws. An act granting an increase of pension to William Matthews. May 23, 1902- 1395 Frances J. Abercrombie. An act granting a pension to Frances J. Abercrombie. ML? 23, 1902. . 1395 James CC G. Smith. An act granting an increase of pension to James C. G. Smith. ay 23, 1902- 1395 Firank WZ Lynn, An act granting a pension to Frank W. Lynn. May 23, 1902 . 1395 (km-gg hem. An act granting a pension to George Tucker. May[23, 1902 ... 1396 1% S7wg0n Husz¢m.ADAn act granting a pension tp Mary Sléeltprnu ust}->In.DiMay 23h1Q0gé .i§6é. ' . Dixon. t nti increase o pension i iam . on. ay , .

   increasefof pension0toA1Wil1i·a*u Holdrifigeh Mazy 23662902.  

Alvin.}. a . actgrantinganincreaseo pension vm .Hartze1. _ ay , --. Elimbdh P. Sigried. An act granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth P. Sigfned. May 23, moz ________________ _ __,______-,--,-,.,--,--.--.-..--.-..-.-... . ...----.. 1397 Enos G. Budd. An act granting an increase of pension to Enos G. Budd. May 23, 1902 --.. 1397 J h G. Sander . An act granting an increase of nsion to John G. Sanders. Ma 23, 1902 .-.. 1397 Ozcgr W Loweafy. An act granting an increase ofpension to OscarW. Lowery. Myay 23, 1902-- . 1397 ”“7’ " £`?‘°%> M 25* g'““g""“i€“.."°““i"° ‘° M'"? I mh;. $*123* ‘ ‘ ’ {333 Wil. ood. act anincreaseo nsion 1 am . . a , . Annui?1 Austin. An agt granting ag increase of pension to Ann E. Austin. May 23, 19,02 -...-.- 1398 James M. Ashley. An act granting an increase of pension to James M. Ashley. May 23, 1902 - . . 1398 Oliver Kerr, An act granting an increase of pension to Qhver_Ke¤r. May 23, 1902 --·-----~---- 1398 Dewitt Clinton Letts. A11 act granting a pensmn to Dew1tt_Chnton May 23, 1902 .-.- 1399 William I Peterson. An act granting an increase of pension to William T. Peterson. May 23, 1399 1902 ..--. - ---··---------------------------- — --—----·- James W. Leuis. An act granting an increase of pension to James W. Lewis._ May 23, 1902- . - 1399 Hannibal (1 ébint Clair. An act granting an increase of pension to Hannibal . Saint Clair. 1399 Ma 23, 1902 . ---·---·-·-----·---- · ··---~·---------------·— · --·--- gaggww EJ _ An M1; gmmin nsion to Matthew V. Ellis. May 23, 1902 ... 1400 Jacob `Weidel. 1'An act granting arg of pension to Jacob Weidel. May 23, 1902 -.-.-.-.. 1400 Rachel S. Lyman. An act granting an increase of pension to Rachel S. Lyman. May 23, 1902. . - 1400 Uriah Garber. An act granting an increase of pension to Uriah Garber. May_ 23, 1902 . 1400 Lumford Y. Bailey. An act granting an increase of pension to Lunsford Y. Bailey. May 23, 1902 1400 Helen E .Lashcr. An act granting a pension t0fHelen F. Lalglgggn Mayi23, 19102; . .. Robert A. Pima. An act granting an increase o · pension to . nn. y , ..-..- J h S. B kd. A t gran’ rease f sion to John S. Burket. May 23, 1902 - 1401 .E?lvi;• A. An alctugandrigngnairntzliniase of(3>e£!on to Elvin A. Estv. May 23, 1902 .-... 1401 James 72 Szeele. An act granting a pension to amos T- Steele- Mly 23, 1902-T; -----·-- - ----· 1402 Hemq; E. William;. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry E. Williams. May 23, 1402 1902--...-.----"------···--·--··--·-··---·--··---··—;·;·---—-·---·_·——·······•··· Willimp Hamilton. An act granting an increase of pension to William T. Hamilton. May 23, 1402 .41* D. J1.' ``` . "X ````` t ""é ```` `}Z·>`X1iéé bf ¥1Z`k1—Q{»§2£` M£§`2:—i,`1§02 .. 1402 Jo;;;.; Mcrrickjiaugin actlgranugirgllaxililifncrg cgi] sion to James Merrick. Mgy 23, 1902 ... 1-102 Albion P. Swan. An act granting an increase ofpension to Albion P. Stiles. ay 23, 1902 . 1403 Caleb C. Brgya. An act granting an increase of pgnsion to ?al(eb0C. Bvrggg. “May 23, 19;;-iééé- G HC alum. An actgrantm ’ creaseo nsion 0 . a n. ay , - Oncgrrgz M. Mmugmnerjy. An act an increasetf pension to (Erin M. Montgomery. May 1403 23 1902 - -·--.--- - ------·----·-·--····- · --··-----·---—-·--··-··-——·-—

 _ A mgmt' gmJ lm.}, Manner. May 23 1902 . 1404

ghs2nJA. gglnkirrzar. ljkn act graniinggaiingnbguw of pension to Susan A. Volkmar. May 23, 1902- 1404 Hannah A. Timmons. An act granting a pension to Hannah A. Timmons. May 23, 1902 ... 1404 Gem- W Wcrtz. An act ting an increase of pension to George W. Wertz. May 23, 1902 -- 1404 9¢ Emu . . Ed or 71 Domus. An act granting an increase of pension to Edgar T. Daniels. May 23, 1902-- 1401 Cagb W An act granting an increase of pension to Caleb W. Story. May 23, 1902 ..--.. 1405 Prederick 0. lark. An act granting an incrpase of pensigxén to Iredaicriclx Cl2;r1§.902May 23, 1902- A Olk-A¤¢g¤m¢`pemivw ¤¤ - Y. --·--------- gz At”Bu»-ke. ain ant pension to Ergrin A. Burke, alias Burt A. Erwin. May 23, 1405 1902 ...-.-..-.- . . . .--··-- · ·---·~--·---·----· - ·-·---·-—--·----------··-··· Berncrrd Mcdbrwmbk. An act granting an incmsme of pension to Bernard McCormick. May 23, 1406 1902 .--..-- - ..-..- · -·-~-·--—·--·-—----··-·-·-~--—·--·--··- · ··-·------ Hizabdh McDonald. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth McDonald. May 23, 1902 L 1406 VOL xxx1I, PT 1--111